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# Created by Tobias Powalowski <>
install ()
### setting up base structure
add_dir "/proc"
add_dir "/sys"
add_dir "/dev"
add_dir "/mnt"
add_dir "/tmp"
add_dir "/var/run"
add_dir "/var/log"
add_dir "/addons"
add_dir "/home"
add_device "/dev/null" c 1 3
add_device "/dev/zero" c 1 5
add_device "/dev/console" c 5 1
### adding klibc lib files
for f in $(find /lib -name klibc-*.so); do
add_file $f
### adding klibc binaries
for f in $(find /usr/lib/klibc/bin/ ! -name "mount" ! -name "umount" ! -name "reboot" ! -name "halt" ! -name "chroot" ! -name "sh" ! -name "modprobe" ! -name "cat" ! -name "cpio" ! -name "dd" ! -name "gunzip" ! -name "gzip" ! -name "insmod" ! -name "zcat" ! -type d); do
add_file $f /bin/$(basename $f)
### adding needed programs from running system
add_file "${CONFIG}" "/config"
BINARIES="init agetty mount modprobe umount head basename clear nano printf tail test tty wc which xargs yes syslog-ng bash swapon uniq cut seq find sort fdisk sfdisk cfdisk gawk cp mv shutdown ls rm sed less chgrp chmod chown df dialog dmesg egrep fgrep grep kill killall killall5 more ps pwd rmdir stty sync tar touch uname hdparm true mktemp chroot dirname bzip2 hwclock depmod cat gzip sdparm expr tput"
add_file "/bin/echo"
add_file "/bin/gunzip"
add_file "/bin/zcat"
add_file "/usr/bin/reset"
add_file "/sbin/swapoff"
add_file "/sbin/halt"
add_file "/sbin/telinit"
add_file "/bin/awk"
add_file "/etc/archboot/etc/init" "/init"
add_file "/bin/dir"
add_file "/usr/share/terminfo/l/linux"
add_file "/etc/rc.d/functions"
add_file "/etc/archboot/etc/rc.conf" "/etc/rc.conf"
add_file "/etc/rc.d/syslog-ng"
### adding config files of installation system
for i in $(find /etc/archboot/etc/ -maxdepth 1 ! -type d ! -name 'init' ! -name "udev.rules" ! -name "menu.lst" ! -name "isolinux.cfg" ! -name "append-message*"); do
add_file "$i" "/etc/$(basename $i)"
### fixing network support
add_file "/lib/"
add_file "/lib/"
help ()
This hook sets up all initial directories and installs base
klibc utilities and libraries for a lowmem arch boot image.
DO NOT remove this one unless you know what you're doing.