shellcheck fixes

This commit is contained in:
Tobias Powalowski 2024-07-25 07:48:17 +02:00
parent d24410fc36
commit 672b10b6fb
5 changed files with 11 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ _timeset() {
_dialog --title " Time " --no-cancel --timebox "Use <TAB> to navigate and up/down to change values." 0 0 2>"${_ANSWER}"
_TIME="$(cat "${_ANSWER}")"
# save the time
#shellcheck disable=SC2027
_DATETIME=""${_DATE}" "${_TIME}""
timedatectl set-time "${_DATETIME}"

View file

@ -59,13 +59,14 @@ _select_mirror() {
#shellcheck disable=SC2120
_enable_testing() {
if ! rg -q "^\[.*testing\]" /etc/pacman.conf; then
_dialog --title " Testing Repositories " --defaultno --yesno "Do you want to enable testing repositories?\n\nOnly enable this if you need latest\navailable packages for testing purposes!" 8 50 && _DOTESTING=1
if [[ -n "${_DOTESTING}" ]]; then
if _dialog --title " Testing Repositories " --defaultno --yesno "Do you want to enable testing repositories?\n\nOnly enable this if you need latest\navailable packages for testing purposes!" 8 50; then
#shellcheck disable=SC2016
sd '^#(\[[c,e].*-testing\]\n)#' '$1' "${1}/etc/pacman.conf"

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
. /etc/archboot/defaults
. /etc/archboot/server-update.conf
[[ -d "${_ISO_HOME_CHROOTS}" ]] || mkdir -p "${_ISO_HOME_CHROOTS}"
cd "${_ISO_HOME_CHROOTS}" || exit 1
# stop if MASK is set
[[ -e MASK ]] && exit 0
for i in ${_SERVER_ARCH}; do

View file

@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ _result fw-error.log
# uninstall base again!
pacman --noconfirm -Rdd base gettext &>>"${_LOG}"
_run_test "licenses"
#shellcheck disable=SC2046
for i in $(pacman -Ql $(pacman -Q | sd ' .*' '') | rg -o '/usr/share/licenses/.*'); do
[[ -e "${i}" ]] || echo "${i}" | rg -v '/xz/' >>license-error.log

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@ -250,19 +250,17 @@ _fix_network() {
_create_archboot_db() {
echo "Creating reproducible repository db..."
pushd ${1} >"${_NO_LOG}" || return 1
pushd "${1}" >"${_NO_LOG}" || return 1
#shellcheck disable=SC2046
LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 fd -u -t f -E '*.sig' . -X repo-add -q archboot.db.tar
for i in archboot.{db.tar,files.tar}; do
mkdir repro
cd repro
bsdtar -xf ../${i} || return 1
fd . -u --min-depth 1 -X touch -hcd "@0"
fd --strip-cwd-prefix -t f -t l -u --min-depth 1 -0 | sort -z |
bsdtar -C repro -xf "${i}" || return 1
fd --base-directory repro . -u --min-depth 1 -X touch -hcd "@0"
fd --base-directory repro --strip-cwd-prefix -t f -t l -u --min-depth 1 -0 | sort -z |
LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 bsdtar --null -cnf - -T - |
LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 bsdtar --null -cf - --format=gnutar @- |
zstd -T0 -19 >> "../${i}.zst" || return 1
cd ..
rm -r repro
rm archboot.{db,files}