'upgpkg added dmraid check'

This commit is contained in:
Tobias Powalowski 2008-12-24 14:31:16 +01:00
parent 2234f5b37f
commit aa37ef52a4

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@ -1514,24 +1514,26 @@ auto_hwdetect()
DIALOG --yesno "PRECONFIGURATION?\n-----------------\n\nDo you want to use 'hwdetect' for:\n'/etc/rc.conf' and '/etc/mkinitcpio.conf'?\n\nThis ensures consistent ordering of your hard disk / usb controllers,\nnetwork and sound devices.\n\nIt is recommended to say 'YES' here." 18 70 && HWDETECT="yes"
if [ "$HWDETECT" = "yes" ]; then
if /usr/bin/vmware-detect; then
grep -qw ide-legacy /proc/cmdline && HWPARAMETER="$HWPARAMETER --ide-legacy"
[ "$(vmware-detect)" ] && HWPARAMETER="$HWPARAMETER --vmware"
[ "$(grep -qw ide-legacy /proc/cmdline)" ] && HWPARAMETER="$HWPARAMETER --ide-legacy"
DIALOG --defaultno --yesno "Do you need support for booting from usb devices?" 0 0 && HWPARAMETER="$HWPARAMETER --usb"
DIALOG --defaultno --yesno "Do you need support for booting from firewire devices?" 0 0 && HWPARAMETER="$HWPARAMETER --fw"
DIALOG --defaultno --yesno "Do you need support for booting from pcmcia devices?" 0 0 && HWPARAMETER="$HWPARAMETER --pcmcia"
DIALOG --defaultno --yesno "Do you need support for booting from nfs shares?" 0 0 && HWPARAMETER="$HWPARAMETER --nfs"
if [ "$(blkid -c /dev/null | grep TYPE=\"mdraid\")" ]; then
DIALOG --defaultno --yesno "Do you need support for booting from software raid arrays?" 0 0 && HWPARAMETER="$HWPARAMETER --raid"
if [ -e $DESTDIR/lib/initcpio/hooks/raid-partitions ]; then
DIALOG --defaultno --yesno "Do you need support for booting from software raid mdp/partition arrays?" 0 0 && HWPARAMETER="$HWPARAMETER --raid-partitions"
if [ -e $DESTDIR/lib/initcpio/hooks/dmraid ]; then
DIALOG --defaultno --yesno "Do you need support for booting from hardware dmraid arrays?" 0 0 && HWPARAMETER="$HWPARAMETER --dmraid"
DIALOG --defaultno --yesno "Do you need support for booting from lvm2 volumes?" 0 0 && HWPARAMETER="$HWPARAMETER --lvm2"
DIALOG --defaultno --yesno "Do you need support for booting from encrypted volumes?" 0 0 && HWPARAMETER="$HWPARAMETER --encrypt"
HWDETECTHOSTCONTROLLER="$(hwdetect --hostcontroller $HWPARAMETER)"
if [ -e $DESTDIR/lib/initcpio/hooks/dmraid ]; then
for i in $(dmraid -l | sed -e 's/ .*//g'); do
ls /dev/mapper/$i > /dev/null 2>&1 && HWPARAMETER="$HWPARAMETER --dmraid"
[ "$(blkid -c /dev/null | grep TYPE=\"lvm2pv\")" ] && HWPARAMETER="$HWPARAMETER --lvm2"
[ "$(blkid -c /dev/null | grep TYPE=\"crypt_LUKS\")" ] && HWPARAMETER="$HWPARAMETER --encrypt"
HWDETECTHOSTCONTROLLER="$(hwdetect --filesystem --hostcontroller $HWPARAMETER)"
HWDETECTHOOKS="$(hwdetect --hooks-dir=$DESTDIR/lib/initcpio/install --hooks $HWPARAMETER)"
HWDETECTRC="$(echo $(hwdetect --usbhost --net --sound $HWPARAMETER)| sed -e 's#.*) ##g')"
[ -n "$HWDETECTHOSTCONTROLLER" ] && sed -i -e "s/^MODULES=.*/$HWDETECTHOSTCONTROLLER/g" ${DESTDIR}/etc/mkinitcpio.conf