update iw listing

This commit is contained in:
Tobias Powalowski 2024-06-27 13:56:33 +02:00
parent 7c2d59a15f
commit cf5cefdc21

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@ -40,10 +40,7 @@ _essid_list() {
# only show lines with signal '*'
# kill spaces from the end and replace spaces with + between
# '+' character is one of 6 forbidden characters in SSID standard
for dev in $(iwctl station "${_INTERFACE}" get-networks | rg -o '(.{1,41}).*\*' -r '$1' | sd '^ * | * $' ''); do
echo "${dev}"
[[ "${1}" ]] && echo "${1}"
iwctl station "${_INTERFACE}" get-networks | rg -o ' {6}(.{34}).*\*' -r '"$1"' | sd ' *$' ' _'
_wireless() {
@ -63,7 +60,7 @@ _wireless() {
_essid_scan | _dialog --title " Network Configuration " --no-mouse --gauge "Scanning 5 second(s) for SSIDs with interface ${_INTERFACE}..." 6 60
#shellcheck disable=SC2086,SC2046
if _dialog --cancel-label "${_LABEL}" --title " SSID Scan Result " --menu "Empty spaces in your SSID are replaced by '+' char" 13 60 6 \
"RESCAN" "SSIDs" "HIDDEN" "SSID" $(_essid_list _) 2>"${_ANSWER}"; then
"RESCAN" "SSIDs" "HIDDEN" "SSID" $(_essid_list) 2>"${_ANSWER}"; then
_WLAN_SSID=$(cat "${_ANSWER}")
if rg -q 'RESCAN' "${_ANSWER}"; then