#!/usr/bin/env bash # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later # written by Tobias Powalowski . /usr/lib/archboot/common.sh _TITLE="archboot.com | ${_RUNNING_ARCH} | ${_RUNNING_KERNEL} | Basic Setup | Launcher" _check_desktop() { _DESKTOP=() update | rg -q 'Gnome' && _DESKTOP+=( "gnome" "Simple Beautiful Elegant" ) update | rg -q 'KDE' && _DESKTOP+=( "plasma" "Simple By Default" ) update | rg -q 'Sway' && _DESKTOP+=( "sway" "Tiling Wayland Compositor" ) update | rg -q 'Xfce' && _DESKTOP+=( "xfce" "Leightweight Desktop" ) } _check_manage() { _MANAGE=() update | rg -q 'full' && _MANAGE+=( "FULL" "Switch To Full Arch Linux System" ) update | rg -q 'latest archboot' && _MANAGE+=( "UPDATE" "Update Archboot Environment" ) update | rg -q 'image' && _MANAGE+=( "IMAGE" "Create Archboot Images" ) } _desktop () { _dialog --title " Desktop Menu " --menu "" 10 40 6 "${_DESKTOP[@]}" 2>"${_ANSWER}" || return 1 [[ -e /.launcher-running ]] && rm /.launcher-running _EXIT=$(cat "${_ANSWER}") #shellcheck disable=SC2086 _dialog --title " Internet Browser " --menu "" 8 40 4 \ "chromium" "Browser From Google" \ "firefox" "Browser From Mozilla" 2>${_ANSWER} || return 1 _BROWSER=$(cat "${_ANSWER}") sd "STANDARD_BROWSER=.*" "STANDARD_BROWSER=${_BROWSER}" /etc/archboot/defaults source /etc/locale.conf clear update -"${_EXIT}" || exit 1 exit 0 } _manage() { _dialog --title " Manage Archboot Menu " --menu "" 9 50 5 "${_MANAGE[@]}" 2>"${_ANSWER}" || return 1 clear [[ -e /.launcher-running ]] && rm /.launcher-running _EXIT=$(cat "${_ANSWER}") if [[ "${_EXIT}" == "FULL" ]]; then update -full-system elif [[ "${_EXIT}" == "UPDATE" ]]; then _run_update_environment elif [[ "${_EXIT}" == "IMAGE" ]]; then update -latest-image fi exit 0 } _exit() { #shellcheck disable=SC2086 _dialog --title " Exit Menu " --menu "" 9 30 5 \ "1" "Exit Program" \ "2" "Reboot System" \ "3" "Poweroff System" 2>${_ANSWER} || return 1 _EXIT=$(cat "${_ANSWER}") if [[ "${_EXIT}" == "1" ]]; then [[ -e /.launcher-running ]] && rm /.launcher-running _show_login exit 0 elif [[ "${_EXIT}" == "2" ]]; then _COUNT=0 while true; do sleep 1 _COUNT=$((_COUNT+1)) # abort after 10 seconds _progress "$((_COUNT*10))" "Rebooting in $((10-_COUNT)) second(s). Don't forget to remove the boot medium!" [[ "${_COUNT}" == 10 ]] && break done | _dialog --title " System Reboot " --no-mouse --gauge "Rebooting in 10 seconds. Don't forget to remove the boot medium!" 6 75 0 reboot elif [[ "${_EXIT}" == "3" ]]; then _COUNT=0 while true; do sleep 1 _COUNT=$((_COUNT+1)) # abort after 10 seconds _progress "$((_COUNT*10))" "Powering off in $((10-_COUNT)) second(s). Don't forget to remove the boot medium!" [[ "${_COUNT}" == 10 ]] && break done | _dialog --title " System Shutdown " --no-mouse --gauge "Powering off in 10 seconds. Don't forget to remove the boot medium!" 6 75 0 poweroff fi } _launcher() { _MENU=() if [[ -n "${_DESKTOP[*]}" ]]; then _MENU+=( "2" "Launch Desktop Environment" ) fi if [[ -n "${_MANAGE[*]}" ]]; then _MENU+=( "3" "Manage Archboot Environment" ) fi _dialog --default-item "${_DEFAULTITEM}" --cancel-label "${_LABEL}" --title " Launcher Menu " --menu "" 9 40 5 \ "1" "Launch Archboot Setup" "${_MENU[@]}" 2>"${_ANSWER}" case $(cat "${_ANSWER}") in "1") [[ -e /.launcher-running ]] && rm /.launcher-running setup exit 0 ;; "2") _DEFAULTITEM=2 _desktop ;; "3") _DEFAULTITEM=3 _manage ;; *) _exit ;; esac } _check _DEFAULTITEM=1 while true; do _check_desktop _check_manage _launcher done # vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et: