# vim:set ft=sh: # Created by Tobias Powalowski # config file for mkbootcd # DEFAULT kernel boot options KERNEL_BOOT_OPTIONS="rootdelay=5" # mkinitcpio config file, defaulted to stock config file MKINITCPIO_CONFIG="/etc/archboot/install.conf" # kernel version, defaulted to build for runtime kernel VERSION="$(uname -r)" # kernel image, defaulted to stock arch kernel KERNEL="/boot/vmlinuz26" # boot message file # blank by default arch-bootmessage hook will create it by default BOOTMESSAGE="" # append this file to the default bootmessage APPENDBOOTMESSAGE="/etc/archboot/etc/append-message" APPENDBOOTMESSAGE_SYSLINUX="/etc/archboot/etc/append-message-syslinux" # menu.lst or isolinux.cfg files to use ISOLINUXCFG="/etc/archboot/etc/isolinux.cfg" MENULST="/etc/archboot/etc/menu.lst" # Prompt on CD boot, defaulted to yes, 1=yes 0=no PROMPT="1" # Name of the ISO, if empty Arch Linux is used if not set by a HOOK later ISONAME="" # Timeout in seconds on CD boot, defaulted to 0, because we prompt by default TIMEOUT="0" # Setting cdrecord options DEVICE="/dev/cdrw" SPEED="4" BLANKMODE="fast"