# naim configuration file. # This file was automatically generated by using the /save command from within # naim. Feel free to modify it with any text editor. # # Lines beginning with a # are ignored by naim, so I will use those to document # each line I write out. In most cases I will attempt to skip over writing out # redundant information, such as when your settings matched the defaults, but # in situations where I do include such information I will also place a # in # front, to show you what the default value is without actually setting it. # # The structure of this file is fairly simple: Lines that start with a # are # ignored, lines that don't are treated as if you had typed them when first # starting naim (so anything that can go after a forward slash while running # naim is fair game for inclusion here). # # If you have any questions about this file, or naim in general, feel free to # contact Daniel Reed , or visit: # http://naim.n.ml.org/ # The window list can either be always visible, always hidden, or auto-hidden. #WINLIST Auto # nameformat (window list name format for unnamed users) #set nameformat $user_name_account$user_name_ifwarn # nameformat_named (window list name format for named buddies) #set nameformat_named "$user_name_account$user_name_ifwarn ($user_name_name)" # awaymsg (auto-response sent when you are away) #set awaymsg "I am currently away..." # autoawaymsg (auto-response used if you idle away (see $autoaway)) #set autoawaymsg "Must have stepped out..." # autozone (time zone to send to peers) #set autozone CET+0100 # logdir (base directory to store persistent window scrollback) #set logdir .naimlog/$conn/$cur # statusbar (string to use for status bar, replace $if* with $statusbar_*) #set statusbar " %I:%M%p $ifoper$SN$ifwarn$ifaway$ifquery$ifchat+$ifpending$iftransfer [$conn $online]$iflag$ifidle naim " # statusbar_away (display if you are away) #set statusbar_away " (away)" # statusbar_idle (display if you haven't said anything for 10 minutes) #set statusbar_idle " [Idle $idle]" # statusbar_lag (display if there is network delay between you and the server) #set statusbar_lag " [Lag $lag]" # statusbar_oper (display if the current window is a chat, and you are a channel operator) #set statusbar_oper @ # statusbar_warn (if your warning level is above 0%) #set statusbar_warn /$warnval% # statusbar_chat (display if the current window is a chat) #set statusbar_chat " on $cur$iftopic" # statusbar_crypt (display if the current window is a query, and query is automatically encrypted) #set statusbar_crypt "ENCRYPTED " # statusbar_typing (if the current window is a query, and the other person is typing to you) #set statusbar_typing " TYPING" # statusbar_tzname (display if the current window is a query, and you know the buddy's time zone) #set statusbar_tzname " <$tzname>" # statusbar_query (display if the current window is a query) #set statusbar_query " [$ifcryptQuery: $cur$iftopic$iftzname]$iftyping" # timeformat (strftime format prepended to all messages) #set timeformat [%H:%M:%S]  # im_prefix (string added to the beginning of every IM sent) #set im_prefix "" # im_suffix (string added to the end of every IM sent) #set im_suffix "" # chatter (determines which events trigger 'updated' status (yellow)) #set chatter 15 # awaylog (1 = log IM's to an :AWAYLOG window when away, 2 = IM's and chat messages) #set awaylog 0 # echostyle (determines how /echo behaves) #set echostyle 1 # winlistheight (percentage of the screen height to use for the window list window) #set winlistheight 90 # winlistchars (number of characters from each window name to display in the window list) #set winlistchars 16 # beeponim (beep whenever an IM is received (0 = never, 1 = if not away, 2 = always)) #set beeponim 1 # beeponsignon (beep whenever a buddy signs on or off (0 = never, 1 = if not away, 2 = always)) #set beeponsignon 0 # autoaway (if non-zero, maximum idle time before automatically marking away) #set autoaway 20 # autoreply (number of minutes to wait before sending a second auto-response) #set autoreply 10 # tprint (if non-zero, a timestamp is displayed periodically in all query windows) #set tprint 30 # logtprint (1 = log daily timestamps, 2 = log all timestamps) #set logtprint 2 # autohide (number of seconds to display the status and window list windows) #set autohide 3 # idletime (number of minutes you have been idle) set idletime 3 # scrollback (number of lines in the scrollback buffer) #set scrollback 500 # autoclose (number of minutes to keep a non-permanent (autobuddy'd) window open after the user signs off) #set autoclose 15 # autosort (string sorting type (0 = none, 1 = by name, 2 = by group)) #set autosort 2 # updatecheck (number of minutes to wait to check for new versions of naim) #set updatecheck 240 # autounaway (automatically unmark away status whenever an IM is sent) #set autounaway 0 # autoidle (automatically increment $idletime by 1 every minute) #set autoidle 1 # autounidle (reset $idletime to 0 whenever an IM is sent) #set autounidle 1 # lagcheck (periodically determine delay to server) #set lagcheck 1 # autoquery (whenever a buddy signs on, a temporary window will be opened for them) #set autoquery 1 # autopaste (enable logic to detect accidental pastes without first entering paste mode) #set autopaste 1 # autobuddy (whenever a non-buddy IM's you, a window will be opened for them) #set autobuddy 1 # autopeer (automatically attempt to negotiate client capabilities) #set autopeer 1 # autopeerverbose (notify you as client capabilities are negotiated) #set autopeerverbose 0 # autocrypt (use autopeer to negotiate peer to peer IM encryption) #set autocrypt 1 # autosave (automatically update .naimrc on /quit) #set autosave 0 # ctcpverbose (notify you of unknown CTCP requests) #set ctcpverbose 0 # color (honor tags in IM's) #set color 1 # autoreconnect (automatically reconnect if disconnected; you may need to /set an appropriate password variable (such as $AIM:password)) #set autoreconnect 0 # autonames (automatically /names on /join) #set autonames 1 # showraw (display special server messages in a window named :RAW) #set showraw 0 # Colors #setcol EVENT YELLOW/BROWN #setcol EVENT_ALT GREEN #setcol TEXT WHITE/GREY #setcol SELF RED #setcol BUDDY CYAN #setcol BUDDY_WAITING YELLOW/BROWN #setcol BUDDY_ADDRESSED YELLOW/BROWN #setcol BUDDY_IDLE BLUE #setcol BUDDY_AWAY GREEN #setcol BUDDY_OFFLINE RED #setcol BUDDY_QUEUED MAGENTA/PINK #setcol BUDDY_TAGGED BLUE #setcol INPUT CLEAR/BLACK #setcol WINLIST CYAN #setcol WINLISTHIGHLIGHT CLEAR/BLACK #setcol CONN BLUE #setcol IMWIN CLEAR/BLACK #setcol STATUSBAR WHITE/GREY # Key bindings. bind ^I :TAB_BUDDY_NEXT bind M-^I :BUDDY_PREV # Filters. FILTER REPLACE :FLUSH FILTER REPLACE u you FILTER REPLACE ur your FILTER REPLACE lol FILTER REPLACE lawlz FILTER REPLACE lolz FILTER REPLACE r are FILTER REPLACE ru are you FILTER REPLACE some1 someone FILTER REPLACE sum1 someone FILTER REPLACE ne any FILTER REPLACE ne1 anyone FILTER REPLACE im I'm FILTER REPLACE b4 before # Create a new connection called IRC of type IRC. newconn IRC IRC # naim will automatically attempt to read your profile from # ~/.naimprofile, though if you prefer you can specify one # to replace it here. # Add your buddies. # Rejoin your channels. IRC:join #archlinux IRC:join #archlinux.br IRC:join #archlinux.de IRC:join #archlinux.dk IRC:join #archlinux-es IRC:join #archlinuxfr # Logging #set IRC:log 0 #set IRC:logfile # Connect to IRC. #set IRC:password mypass #clear # naim will prompt you for your password if it's not supplied here. IRC:connect irc.freenode.net