# # /etc/pacman.conf # # NOTE: If you find a mirror that is geographically close to you, please # move it to the top of the server list, so pacman will choose it # first. # # To re-sort your mirror lists by ping/traceroute results, use the # /usr/bin/sortmirrors script. It requires the "netselect" package. # # See the pacman manpage for option directives # # GENERAL OPTIONS # [options] LogFile = /var/log/pacman.log HoldPkg = pacman glibc XferCommand = /usr/bin/wget --passive-ftp -c -O %o %u # # REPOSITORIES # - can be defined here or included from another file # - pacman will search repositories in the order defined here. # - local/custom mirrors can be added here or in separate files # #[testing] #Server = ftp://ftp.archlinux.org/testing/os/i686 [core] # Add your preferred servers here, they will be used first Include = /etc/pacman.d/core [extra] # Add your preferred servers here, they will be used first Include = /etc/pacman.d/extra #[unstable] # Add your preferred servers here, they will be used first #Include = /etc/pacman.d/unstable #[community] # Add your preferred servers here, they will be used first #Include = /etc/pacman.d/community # An example of a custom package repository. See the pacman manpage for # tips on creating your own repositories. #[custom] #Server = file:///home/custompkgs