#!/usr/bin/env bash # # copy-mointpoint.sh - copy recursivly a mountpoint using tar # by Tobias Powalowski # usage(exitvalue) # outputs a usage message and exits with value APPNAME=$(basename "${0}") usage() { echo -e "\033[1mWelcome to \033[34marchboot's\033[0m \033[1mCOPY MOUNTPOINTS:\033[0m" echo -e "\033[1m---------------------------------------\033[0m" echo "- Copy mountpoint recursivly from one mountpoint to an other one," echo " using tar utility." echo -e "- For system copying start with mounted \033[1m/\033[0m and then invoke this script" echo -e " for each additional mountpoint eg. \033[1m/boot\033[0m or \033[1m/home\033[0m." echo "" echo -e "usage: \033[1m${APPNAME} \033[0m" exit "$1" } ################################################## if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then usage 1 fi NEWMOUNTPOINT="${2}" OLDMOUNTPOINT="${1}" tar -C "$OLDMOUNTPOINT" -clpf - . | tar -C "$NEWMOUNTPOINT" -vxlspf -