#!/usr/bin/env bash # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later # written by Tobias Powalowski . /usr/lib/archboot/basic-common.sh _TITLE="Archboot ${_RUNNING_ARCH} | Basic Setup | Network Configuration" _printk() { case ${1} in "on") echo 4 >/proc/sys/kernel/printk ;; "off") echo 0 >/proc/sys/kernel/printk ;; esac } _online_switch() { if _dialog --title " Offline Mode " --defaultno --yesno "Do you want to switch to Online Mode?" 5 45; then rm /var/cache/pacman/pkg/archboot.db else _cleanup fi } _net_interfaces() { find /sys/class/net/* -type l ! -name 'lo' -printf '%f ' -exec cat {}/address \; } _essid_list() { # only show lines with signal '*' # kill spaces from the end and replace spaces with + between # '+' character is one of 6 forbidden characters in SSID standard for dev in $(iwctl station "${_INTERFACE}" get-networks | grep '\*' | cut -c 1-41 | sed -e 's|\ *.$||g' -e 's|^.*\ \ ||g' -e 's| |\+|g'); do echo "${dev}" [[ "${1}" ]] && echo "${1}" done } _wireless() { _WLAN_HIDDEN="" _WLAN_SSID="" _WLAN_KEY="" _WLAN_AUTH="" # unblock all interfaces! rfkill unblock all # disconnect the interface first! iwctl station "${_INTERFACE}" disconnect &>"${_NO_LOG}" # clean old keys first! rm -f /var/lib/iwd/* &>"${_NO_LOG}" _CONTINUE="" while [[ -z "${_CONTINUE}" ]]; do # scan the area _dialog --title " Network Configuration " --no-mouse --infobox "Scanning for SSIDs with interface ${_INTERFACE}..." 3 60 iwctl station "${_INTERFACE}" scan &>"${_NO_LOG}" sleep 5 #shellcheck disable=SC2086,SC2046 if _dialog --cancel-label "${_LABEL}" --title " SSID Scan Result " --menu "Empty spaces in your SSID are replaced by '+' char" 13 60 6 \ "RESCAN" "SSIDs" "HIDDEN" "SSID" $(_essid_list _) 2>"${_ANSWER}"; then _WLAN_SSID=$(cat "${_ANSWER}") _CONTINUE=1 if grep -q 'RESCAN' "${_ANSWER}"; then _CONTINUE="" fi else _abort fi done _WLAN_CONNECT="connect" if [[ "${_WLAN_SSID}" == "HIDDEN" ]]; then _dialog --no-cancel --title " HIDDEN SSID " --inputbox "" 7 65 "secret" 2>"${_ANSWER}" _WLAN_SSID=$(cat "${_ANSWER}") _WLAN_CONNECT="connect-hidden" _WLAN_HIDDEN=1 fi # replace # with spaces again #shellcheck disable=SC2001,SC2086 _WLAN_SSID="$(echo ${_WLAN_SSID} | sed -e 's|\+|\ |g')" # expect hidden network has a WLAN_KEY #shellcheck disable=SC2143 if ! [[ "$(iwctl station "${_INTERFACE}" get-networks | grep -w "${_WLAN_SSID}" | cut -c 42-49 | grep -q 'open')" ]] \ || [[ "${_WLAN_CONNECT}" == "connect-hidden" ]]; then _dialog --no-cancel --title " Connection Key " --inputbox "" 7 50 "Secret-WirelessKey" 2>"${_ANSWER}" _WLAN_KEY=$(cat "${_ANSWER}") fi # time to connect _dialog --title " Network Configuration " --no-mouse --infobox "Connecting to '${_WLAN_SSID}'\nwith interface ${_INTERFACE}..." 4 50 _printk off if [[ -z "${_WLAN_KEY}" ]]; then iwctl station "${_INTERFACE}" "${_WLAN_CONNECT}" "${_WLAN_SSID}" &>"${_NO_LOG}" && _WLAN_AUTH=1 else iwctl --passphrase="${_WLAN_KEY}" station "${_INTERFACE}" "${_WLAN_CONNECT}" "${_WLAN_SSID}" &>"${_NO_LOG}" && _WLAN_AUTH=1 fi sleep 3 _printk on if [[ -n "${_WLAN_AUTH}" ]]; then _dialog --title " Network Configuration " --no-mouse --infobox "Authentification to '${_WLAN_SSID}' was successful." 3 70 sleep 2 return 0 else _dialog --title " ERROR " --no-mouse --infobox "Authentification to ${_WLAN_SSID}' failed. Please configure again!" 3 70 sleep 5 return 1 fi } _network() { if [[ -e "/var/cache/pacman/pkg/archboot.db" ]]; then _online_switch fi _NETPARAMETERS="" while [[ -z "${_NETPARAMETERS}" ]]; do # select network interface _INTERFACE="" _INTERFACES=$(_net_interfaces) while [[ -z "${_INTERFACE}" ]]; do #shellcheck disable=SC2086 if _dialog --cancel-label "${_LABEL}" --title " Network Interface " --menu "" 11 40 5 ${_INTERFACES} 2>"${_ANSWER}"; then _INTERFACE=$(cat "${_ANSWER}") else _abort fi done echo "${_INTERFACE}" >/.network-interface # iwd renames wireless devices to wlanX if echo "${_INTERFACE}" | grep -q wlan; then _CONNECTION="wireless" else _CONNECTION="ethernet" fi # profile name _NETWORK_PROFILE="" _dialog --no-cancel --title " Network Profile Name " --inputbox "" 6 40 "${_INTERFACE}-${_CONNECTION}" 2>"${_ANSWER}" _NETWORK_PROFILE=/etc/systemd/network/$(cat "${_ANSWER}").network # wifi setup first _CONTINUE="" while [[ -z "${_CONTINUE}" && "${_CONNECTION}" == "wireless" ]]; do if _wireless; then _CONTINUE=1 else _CONTINUE="" fi done # dhcp switch _IP="" if _dialog --title " Network Configuration " --yesno "Do you want to use DHCP?" 5 40; then _IP="dhcp" _IPADDR="" _GW="" _DNS="" else _IP="static" _dialog --no-cancel --title " IP Address And Netmask " --inputbox "" 7 40 "" 2>"${_ANSWER}" _IPADDR=$(cat "${_ANSWER}") _dialog --no-cancel --title " Gateway " --inputbox "" 7 40 "" 2>"${_ANSWER}" _GW=$(cat "${_ANSWER}") _dialog --no-cancel --title " Domain Name Server " --inputbox "" 7 40 "" 2>"${_ANSWER}" _DNS=$(cat "${_ANSWER}") fi # http/ftp proxy settings _dialog --no-cancel --title " Proxy Server " --inputbox "\nhttp://name:port\nhttp://ip:port\nhttp://username:password@ip:port\n\n Leave the field empty if no proxy is needed to install." 12 65 "" 2>"${_ANSWER}" _PROXY=$(cat "${_ANSWER}") _PROXIES="http_proxy https_proxy ftp_proxy rsync_proxy HTTP_PROXY HTTPS_PROXY FTP_PROXY RSYNC_PROXY" _dialog --title " Summary " --yesno "Interface: ${_INTERFACE}\nConnection: ${_CONNECTION}\nNetwork profile: ${_NETWORK_PROFILE}\nSSID: ${_WLAN_SSID}\nHidden: ${_WLAN_HIDDEN}\nKey: ${_WLAN_KEY}\ndhcp or static: ${_IP}\nIP address: ${_IPADDR}\nGateway: ${_GW}\nDNS server: ${_DNS}\nProxy setting: ${_PROXY}" 0 0 && _NETPARAMETERS=1 done # write systemd-networkd profile echo "#$_NETWORK_PROFILE generated by archboot setup" > "${_NETWORK_PROFILE}" #shellcheck disable=SC2129 echo "[Match]" >> "${_NETWORK_PROFILE}" echo "Name=${_INTERFACE}" >> "${_NETWORK_PROFILE}" echo "" >> "${_NETWORK_PROFILE}" echo "[Network]" >> "${_NETWORK_PROFILE}" echo "MulticastDNS=yes" >> "${_NETWORK_PROFILE}" [[ "${_IP}" == "dhcp" ]] && echo "DHCP=yes" >> "${_NETWORK_PROFILE}" if [[ "${_CONNECTION}" == "wireless" ]]; then #shellcheck disable=SC2129 echo "IgnoreCarrierLoss=3s" >>"${_NETWORK_PROFILE}" fi if [[ "${_IP}" == "static" ]]; then #shellcheck disable=SC2129 echo "Address=${_IPADDR}" >>"${_NETWORK_PROFILE}" echo "Gateway=${_GW}" >>"${_NETWORK_PROFILE}" echo "DNS=${_DNS}" >>"${_NETWORK_PROFILE}" fi # set proxies if [[ -z "${_PROXY}" ]]; then for i in ${_PROXIES}; do unset "${i}" done else for i in ${_PROXIES}; do export "${i}"="${_PROXY}" echo "export ${i}=${_PROXY}" >> /etc/profile.d/proxy.sh chmod a+x "${_DESTDIR}"/etc/profile.d/proxy.sh done fi if [[ -e /etc/systemd/network/10-wired-auto-dhcp.network ]]; then echo "Disabled Archboot's bootup wired auto dhcp browsing." >"${_LOG}" rm /etc/systemd/network/10-wired-auto-dhcp.network fi echo "Using setup's network profile ${_NETWORK_PROFILE} now..." >"${_LOG}" systemctl restart systemd-networkd systemctl restart systemd-resolved # add sleep here for systemd-resolve get correct values _COUNT=0 while true; do sleep 1 if getent hosts www.google.com &>"${_LOG}"; then _progress "100" "Network configuration completed successfully." sleep 2 return 0 fi _COUNT=$((_COUNT+1)) # abort after 10 seconds _progress "$((_COUNT*10))" "Waiting $((10-_COUNT)) seconds for network link to come up..." [[ "${_COUNT}" == 10 ]] && break done | _dialog --title " Network Configuration " --no-mouse --gauge "Waiting 10 seconds for network link to come up..." 6 60 0 if ! getent hosts www.google.com &>"${_LOG}"; then _dialog --title " ERROR " --no-mouse --infobox "Your network is not working correctly, please configure again!" 3 60 sleep 3 return 1 fi } _check while true; do _network && break done _cleanup # vim: set ft=sh ts=4 sw=4 et: