#!/usr/bin/env bash # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only # Created by Tobias Powalowski build () { ### generate motd MOTD=$(mktemp /var/tmp/motd.XXXX) [[ "$(uname -m)" == "x86_64" ]] && echo -e "\e[1mWelcome to \e[36mArchboot\e[m\e[1m - Arch Linux X86_64\e[m" >> "${MOTD}" [[ "$(uname -m)" == "aarch64" ]] && echo -e "\e[1mWelcome to \e[36mArchboot\e[m\e[1m - Arch Linux AARCH64\e[m" >> "${MOTD}" [[ "$(uname -m)" == "riscv64" ]] && echo -e "\e[1mWelcome to \e[36mArchboot\e[m\e[1m - Arch Linux RISCV64\e[m" >> "${MOTD}" #shellcheck disable=SC2129 echo -e "\e[1m----------------------------------------\e[m" >> "${MOTD}" echo -e "\e[1mVconsole Configuration:\e[m" >> "${MOTD}" echo -e " - Use the \e[1;92mALT + F1 - F6\e[m keys to change the virtual console." >> "${MOTD}" if echo "${HOOKS[@]}" | grep -qw archboot_keymap ; then echo -e " - Use the \e[1;92m'vconsole'\e[m script to change to a non-US keymap." >> "${MOTD}" fi if echo "${HOOKS[@]}" | grep -qw archboot_net_common ; then echo -e "\e[1mNetwork Configuration:\e[m" >> "${MOTD}" echo -e " - Use the \e[1;92m'network'\e[m script to change your network settings." >> "${MOTD}" fi if echo "${HOOKS[@]}" | grep -qw archboot_clock; then echo -e "\e[1mClock Configuration:\e[m" >> "${MOTD}" echo -e " - Use the \e[1;92m'clock'\e[m script to change your time and date." >> "${MOTD}" fi if echo "${HOOKS[@]}" | grep -qw archboot_net; then #shellcheck disable=SC2129 echo -e "\e[1mFor Additional Wi-Fi Authentification Or Online Help:\e[m" >> "${MOTD}" echo -e " - Use the \e[1;92m'elinks'\e[m text mode browser." >> "${MOTD}" echo -e "\e[1mIRC Support Channel:\e[m" >> "${MOTD}" echo -e " - Use the \e[1;92m'weechat'\e[m IRC client." >> "${MOTD}" fi if echo "${HOOKS[@]}" | grep -qw archboot_installer; then echo -e "\e[1mManage Archboot Environment:\e[m" >> "${MOTD}" echo -e " - Use the \e[1;92m'launcher'\e[m or \e[1;92m'update'\e[m script." >> "${MOTD}" #shellcheck disable=SC2129 echo -e "\e[1mInstallation Or Installation For Experts:\e[m" >> "${MOTD}" echo -e " - Use the \e[1;92m'setup'\e[m or \e[1;92m'quickinst'\e[m script." >> "${MOTD}" fi chmod 644 "${MOTD}" add_file "${MOTD}" "/etc/motd" } help () { cat <