
161 lines
7.8 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# created by Tobias Powalowski <>
source /usr/lib/archboot/functions
kver() {
# get kernel version from installed kernel
[[ "${_RUNNING_ARCH}" == "x86_64" ]] && VMLINUZ="${_W_DIR}/boot/vmlinuz-linux"
[[ "${_RUNNING_ARCH}" == "aarch64" ]] && VMLINUZ="${_W_DIR}/boot/Image"
if [[ -f "${VMLINUZ}" ]]; then
offset=$(hexdump -s 526 -n 2 -e '"%0d"' "${VMLINUZ}")
read -r _HWKVER _ < <(dd if="${VMLINUZ}" bs=1 count=127 skip=$(( offset + 0x200 )) 2>/dev/null)
# fallback if no detectable kernel is installed
[[ "${_HWKVER}" == "" ]] && _HWKVER="$(uname -r)"
usage () {
echo "Update installer, launch latest environment or create latest image files:"
echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo " -u Update scripts: setup, quickinst, tz, km and helpers."
echo ""
echo "On fast internet connection (100Mbit) (approx. 5 minutes):"
echo " -latest Launch latest archboot environment (using kexec)."
echo " This operation needs at least 2.4 GB RAM."
echo ""
echo " -latest-install Launch latest archboot environment with downloaded"
echo " package cache (using kexec)."
echo " This operation needs at least 2.9 GB RAM."
echo ""
echo " -latest-image Generate latest image files in /archboot-release directory"
echo " This operation needs at least 3.3 GB RAM."
echo ""
echo " -h This message."
exit 0
[[ -z "${1}" ]] && usage
while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
case ${1} in
-u|--u) _D_SCRIPTS="1" ;;
-latest|--latest) _L_COMPLETE="1" ;;
-latest-install|--latest-install) _L_INSTALL_COMPLETE="1";;
-latest-image|--latest-image) _G_RELEASE="1" ;;
-h|--h|?) usage ;;
*) usage ;;
if [[ ! "$(cat /etc/hostname)" == "archboot" ]]; then
echo "This script should only be run in booted archboot environment. Aborting..."
exit 1
# Download latest setup and quickinst script from git repository
if [[ "${_D_SCRIPTS}" == "1" ]]; then
echo "Downloading latest km, tz, quickinst, setup and helpers..."
wget -q "$_INSTALLER_SOURCE/usr/bin/" -O /usr/bin/quickinst >/dev/null 2>&1
wget -q "$_INSTALLER_SOURCE/usr/bin/" -O /usr/bin/setup >/dev/null 2>&1
wget -q "$_INSTALLER_SOURCE/usr/bin/" -O /usr/bin/km >/dev/null 2>&1
wget -q "$_INSTALLER_SOURCE/usr/bin/" -O /usr/bin/tz >/dev/null 2>&1
wget -q "$_INSTALLER_SOURCE/usr/bin/archboot-${_RUNNING_ARCH}" -O "/usr/bin/archboot-${_RUNNING_ARCH}" >/dev/null 2>&1
wget -q "$_INSTALLER_SOURCE/usr/bin/archboot-${_RUNNING_ARCH}" -O "/usr/bin/archboot-${_RUNNING_ARCH}" >/dev/null 2>&1
wget -q "$_INSTALLER_SOURCE/usr/bin/" -O /usr/bin/ >/dev/null 2>&1
wget -q "$_INSTALLER_SOURCE/usr/bin/" -O /usr/bin/ >/dev/null 2>&1
wget -q "$_INSTALLER_SOURCE/usr/lib/archboot/functions?inline=false" -O "/usr/lib/archboot/functions" >/dev/null 2>&1
wget -q "$_INSTALLER_SOURCE/usr/lib/archboot/container_functions?inline=false" -O "/usr/lib/archboot/container_functions" >/dev/null 2>&1
wget -q "$_INSTALLER_SOURCE/usr/lib/archboot/release_functions?inline=false" -O "/usr/lib/archboot/release_functions" >/dev/null 2>&1
wget -q "$_INSTALLER_SOURCE/usr/lib/archboot/iso_functions?inline=false" -O "/usr/lib/archboot/iso_functions" >/dev/null 2>&1
echo "Finished: Downloading scripts done."
exit 0
echo "Information: Logging is done on /dev/tty7 ..."
# Generate new environment and launch it with kexec
if [[ "${_L_COMPLETE}" == "1" || "${_L_INSTALL_COMPLETE}" == "1" ]]; then
if [[ -f /.update-installer ]]; then
echo "Aborting: is already running on other tty ..."
echo "If you are absolutly sure it's not running, you need to remove /.update-installer"
exit 0
touch /.update-installer
# remove everything not necessary
echo "Step 1/8: Removing not necessary files from / ..."
[[ -d "/usr/lib/firmware" ]] && rm -r "/usr/lib/firmware"
[[ -d "/usr/lib/modules" ]] && rm -r "/usr/lib/modules"
_SHARE_DIRS="efitools file grub hwdata kbd licenses makepkg nmap openvpn pacman refind tc usb_modeswitch vim zoneinfo zsh"
for i in ${_SHARE_DIRS}; do
#shellcheck disable=SC2115
[[ -d "/usr/share/${i}" ]] && rm -r "/usr/share/${i}"
echo "Step 2/8: Generating archboot container in ${_W_DIR} ..."
echo " This will need some time ..."
# create container without package cache
[[ "${_L_COMPLETE}" == "1" ]] && ("archboot-${_RUNNING_ARCH}" "${_W_DIR}" -cc -cp >/dev/tty7 2>&1 || exit 1)
# create container with package cache
[[ "${_L_INSTALL_COMPLETE}" == "1" ]] && ("archboot-${_RUNNING_ARCH}" "${_W_DIR}" -cc >/dev/tty7 2>&1 || exit 1)
# generate initrd in container, remove archboot packages from cache, not needed in normal install, umount tmp before generating initrd
echo "Step 3/8: Moving kernel from ${_W_DIR} to / ..."
if [[ "${_RUNNING_ARCH}" == "x86_64" ]]; then
mv "${_W_DIR}"/boot/vmlinuz-linux / || exit 1
### not supported
#mv "${_W_DIR}"/boot/intel-ucode.img / || exit 1
if [[ "${_RUNNING_ARCH}" == "aarch64" ]]; then
mv "${_W_DIR}"/boot/Image / || exit 1
echo "Step 4/8: Collect initramfs files in ${_W_DIR} ..."
echo " This will need some time ..."
# add fix for mkinitcpio 31, remove when 32 is released
cp "${_W_DIR}"/usr/share/archboot/patches/31-initcpio.functions.fixed "${_W_DIR}"/usr/lib/initcpio/functions
# write initramfs to /tmp
systemd-nspawn -D "${_W_DIR}" /bin/bash -c "umount /tmp; mkinitcpio -k ${_HWKVER} -c ${_CONFIG} -d /tmp/" >/dev/tty7 2>&1 || exit 1
# move initramfs to /
mv "${_W_DIR}/tmp" /initrd || exit 1
echo "Step 5/8: Remove ${_W_DIR} ..."
rm -r "${_W_DIR}" || exit 1
echo "Step 6/8: Create initramfs /initrd.img ..."
echo " This will need some time ..."
cd initrd || exit 1
#from /usr/bin/mkinitpcio.conf
# compress image with zstd
find . -mindepth 1 -printf '%P\0' | sort -z | LANG=C bsdtar --uid 0 --gid 0 --null -cnf - -T - |\
LANG=C bsdtar --null -cf - --format=newc @- | zstd -T0 > /initrd.img || exit 1
cd ..
echo "Step 7/8: Remove /initrd ..."
rm -r "/initrd" || exit 1
### not supported
#mv "${_W_DIR}"/boot/amd-ucode.img / || exit 1
# remove "${_W_DIR}"
echo "Step 8/8: Loading files to kexec now, reboot in a few seconds ..."
# load kernel and initrds into running kernel
if [[ "${_RUNNING_ARCH}" == "x86_64" ]]; then
kexec -l /vmlinuz-linux --initrd=/initrd.img --reuse-cmdline
if [[ "${_RUNNING_ARCH}" == "aarch64" ]]; then
kexec -l /Image --initrd=/initrd.img --reuse-cmdline
echo "Finished: Rebooting ..."
# restart environment
systemctl kexec
# Generate new images
if [[ "${_G_RELEASE}" == "1" ]]; then
echo "Step 1/1: Generating new iso files now in ${_W_DIR} ..."
echo " This will need some time ..."
"archboot-${_RUNNING_ARCH}" "${_W_DIR}" >/dev/tty7 2>&1 || exit 1
echo "Finished: New isofiles are located in ${_W_DIR}"