2022-01-30 12:17:48 +01:00

271 lines
12 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Created by Tobias Powalowski <>
build ()
### setting up base structure
add_dir "/mnt"
add_dir "/install"
add_dir "/var/log"
add_dir "/home"
add_symlink /var/run ../run
add_symlink /var/lock ../run/lock
apps="getent agetty mount umount basename du clear env head id cksum nano printf tail \
tee test tr tty uptime w who wc which whoami xargs yes \
bash swapon uniq cut seq snarf find sort fdisk sfdisk cfdisk parted partprobe \
gawk cp mv free ls rm sed less chgrp chmod chown date df dialog dmesg egrep fgrep grep \
kill killall more ps pwd rmdir stty sync tar bsdtar bsdcpio touch uname hdparm \
true mktemp chroot dirname expr bzip2 hwclock su cat cpio dd gzip wget top sdparm tput \
ifconfig ln losetup mkdir mkfifo mknod readlink echo dir lzmadec lzop xz last wall mesg utmpdump \
xzdec switch_root false pivot_root sleep chcpu ctrlaltdel raw gdisk sgdisk cgdisk fixparts findmnt \
lsblk swaplabel cal chrt col colcrt colrm column fallocate flock getopt hexdump \
ionice ipcmk ipcrm ipcs isosize swapoff look lscpu mcookie namei \
prlimit rename renice rev script scriptreplay setarch setsid setterm taskset ul unshare \
uuidgen whereis write addpart delpart ldattach partx readprofile rtcwake uuidd \
sysctl pgrep pkill pmap pwdx slabtop tload vmstat watch file eject keyctl request-key \
kmod zsh hostname tac sulogin resizepart lslocks wdctl zless zgrep fold od ldd pidof \
shred blockdev blkdiscard newgrp nsenter runuser vipw ldconfig diff depmod awk halt \
shutdown reboot poweroff insmod linux32 linux64 lsmod lzcat lzcmp lzdiff lzegrep lzfgrep \
lzgrep lzegrep lzfgrep lzgrep lzless lzmore lzma modinfo modprobe nc reset rmmod \
unlzma unxz xzcat lastb sh stat blkzone chmem choom fincore hardlink irqtop lsipc lsirq \
lslogins lsmem lsns mkfs scriptlive setpriv uclampset uname26 uuidparse zramctl [ b2sum \
base32 base64 basenc chcon comm csplit dircolors expand factor fmt hostid install join \
link logname md5sum nice nl nohup nproc numfmt paste pathchk pinky pr printenv ptx realpath \
runcon sha1sum sha224sum sha256sum sha384sum sha512sum shuf split stdbuf sum timeout truncate \
tsort unexpand unlink users vdir pwait fuser peekfd prtstat pslog pstree newgidmap newuidmap \
lzmainfo xzcmp xzegrep xzfgrep gzexe uncompress zcmp zdiff zegrep zfgrep zforce zmore znew \
bunzip2 bzcat bzdiff bzgrep bzip2recover bzmore chacl getfacl setfacl attr getfattr \
setfattr pzstd unzstd zstd zstdcat zstdgrep zstdless zstdmt lz4 lz4c lz4cat unlz4 gunzip zcat"
if [[ "$(uname -m)" == "x86_64" ]]; then
apps="$apps i386 x86_64"
for i in $apps; do
add_binary "$i"
add_file "/usr/lib/"
add_symlink "/usr/bin/init" "/usr/lib/systemd/systemd"
add_symlink "/init" "/usr/lib/systemd/systemd"
### add zsh
add_full_dir "/etc/zsh"
add_full_dir "/usr/share/zsh"
add_full_dir "/usr/lib/zsh"
### add en_US.utf8 locale
add_file "/usr/lib/locale/locale-archive"
### adding needed files from running system
add_symlink "/etc/mtab" "/proc/self/mounts"
add_file "/usr/share/terminfo/l/linux"
add_full_dir "/etc/profile.d"
systemfiles="bash.bashrc bash.bash_logout crypttab fstab host.conf hosts inputrc mke2fs.conf \
nanorc nsswitch.conf protocols request-key.conf resolv.conf securetty \
services wgetrc"
for i in $systemfiles; do
add_file "/etc/$i"
### add nano files
add_full_dir /usr/share/nano
### adding config files of installation system
for i in $(find /usr/share/archboot/base/etc/* ! -type d); do
add_file "$i" "$(echo $i | sed -e 's#/usr/share/archboot/base##g')"
add_file "/etc/profile"
add_file "/etc/group"
add_file "/etc/gshadow"
### add kmod related config file(s)
add_file "/usr/lib/depmod.d/search.conf"
### fixing network support
add_file "/lib/"
add_file "/lib/"
### add
add_file "/usr/bin/"
### add
add_file "/usr/bin/"
### add binary add_check
add_file "/usr/bin/"
### add pam
apps="mkhomedir_helper pam_timestamp_check unix_chkpwd unix_update"
for i in $apps; do
add_binary "$i"
add_full_dir "/etc/security"
add_full_dir "/etc/default"
add_full_dir "/etc/pam.d"
add_file "/etc/environment"
add_full_dir "/usr/lib/security"
#fix cracklib support!
add_file /usr/lib/
### add shadow
apps="groups login nologin chage chfn chsh expiry faillog gpasswd lastlog passwd \
chgpasswd chpasswd groupadd groupdel groupmems groupmod grpck grpconv grpunconv \
newusers pwck pwconv pwunconv useradd userdel usermod sg vigr"
for i in $apps; do
add_binary "$i"
add_file "/etc/login.defs"
### add virtio modules
add_checked_modules 'virtio'
### add systemd
# add systemd kernel modules
add_checked_modules 'nfs|autofs4|loop'
apps="mount.nfs setfont loadkeys"
for i in $apps; do
add_binary "$i"
# add firmware files
add_full_dir /lib/firmware
#dbus files
apps="dbus-cleanup-sockets dbus-daemon dbus-launch dbus-monitor dbus-run-session dbus-send dbus-test-tool \
dbus-update-activation-environment dbus-uuidgen"
for i in $apps; do
add_binary "$i"
add_binary "/usr/lib/dbus-1.0/dbus-daemon-launch-helper"
add_dir "/var/lib/dbus"
add_full_dir "/etc/dbus-1"
add_full_dir "/usr/share/dbus-1"
#systemd files
apps="busctl bootctl coredumpctl hostnamectl journalctl kernel-install localectl \
loginctl machinectl networkctl systemctl systemd-analyze systemd-ask-password \
systemd-cat systemd-cgls systemd-cgtop \
systemd-delta systemd-detect-virt systemd-escape systemd-firstboot systemd-hwdb systemd-inhibit systemd-machine-id-setup \
systemd-mount systemd-notify systemd-nspawn systemd-path systemd-resolve \
systemd-run systemd-socket-activate systemd-stdio-bridge systemd-sysusers systemd-tmpfiles \
systemd-tty-ask-password-agent timedatectl systemd-repart userdbctl homectl oomctl portablectl systemd-creds \
systemd-cryptenroll systemd-dissect systemd-id128 systemd-sysext systemd-umount"
for i in $apps; do
add_binary "$i"
add_dir "/etc/tmpfiles.d"
add_dir "/etc/modules-load.d"
add_dir "/etc/binfmt.d/"
add_full_dir "/etc/sysctl.d/"
add_file "/usr/lib/os-release"
add_full_dir "/etc/systemd"
add_full_dir "/etc/xdg"
add_full_dir "/usr/lib/systemd"
add_full_dir "/usr/share/systemd"
add_full_dir "/usr/share/factory"
add_full_dir "/usr/share/polkit-1"
add_full_dir "/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d"
add_full_dir "/usr/lib/modules-load.d"
add_dir "/var/lib/systemd"
add_file "/usr/share/archboot/base/etc/locale.conf" "/etc/locale.conf"
add_file "/usr/share/archboot/base/etc/vconsole.conf" "/etc/vconsole.conf"
add_file "/usr/share/archboot/base/etc/systemd/system/getty@.service" "/etc/systemd/system/getty@.service"
add_file "/usr/share/archboot/base/etc/systemd/system/" \
add_symlink "/etc/systemd/system/" "/usr/lib/systemd/system/var-tmp.mount"
add_file "/usr/share/archboot/base/etc/systemd/system/serial-getty@.service" "/etc/systemd/system/serial-getty@.service"
add_file "/usr/share/archboot/base/etc/systemd/system/autovt@.service" "/etc/systemd/system/autovt@.service"
add_file "/usr/share/archboot/base/etc/systemd/system/" \
add_symlink "/etc/systemd/system/" "/usr/lib/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service"
add_file "/usr/share/archboot/base/etc/machine-id" "/etc/machine-id"
### add missing libsystemd files
add_file "/usr/lib/"
add_file "/usr/lib/"
add_file "/usr/lib/"
add_file "/usr/lib/"
### fix tmpfiles startup
add_file "/usr/lib/"
add_file "/usr/lib/"
## fix for systemd >=245 set default target
add_symlink "/etc/systemd/system/" "/usr/lib/systemd/system/"
### add udev, which is not covered by udev hook
add_binary "logger"
# add rule files
add_full_dir "/usr/lib/udev"
# add schedule rules file
add_file "/usr/share/archboot/base/etc/udev/rules.d/60-ioschedulers.rules" "/etc/udev/rules.d/60-ioschedulers.rules"
# add swapiness sysctl config file
add_file "/usr/share/archboot/base/etc/sysctl.d/99-sysctl.conf" "/etc/sysctl.d/99-sysctl.conf"
### add pacman
apps="pacman pacman-conf pacman-key pacman-db-upgrade makepkg \
repo-add repo-elephant testpkg vercmp curl gpg-agent haveged gpg repo-remove"
for i in $apps; do
add_binary "$i"
add_dir "/var/cache/pacman/pkg"
add_dir "/var/lib/pacman"
add_file "/etc/pacman.conf"
add_file "/etc/makepkg.conf"
add_file "/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist"
# add pacman initialisation of gpg keys
add_file "/usr/share/archboot/pacman/etc/systemd/system/etc-pacman.d-gnupg.mount" "/etc/systemd/system/etc-pacman.d-gnupg.mount"
add_symlink "/etc/systemd/system/" "/etc/systemd/system/etc-pacman.d-gnupg.mount"
if [[ "$(uname -m)" == "x86_64" ]]; then
add_file "/usr/share/archboot/pacman/etc/systemd/system/pacman-init.service" "/etc/systemd/system/pacman-init.service"
add_symlink "/etc/systemd/system/" "/etc/systemd/system/pacman-init.service"
if [[ "$(uname -m)" == "aarch64" ]]; then
add_file "/usr/share/archboot/pacman/etc/systemd/system/pacman-init-arm.service" "/etc/systemd/system/pacman-init-arm.service"
add_symlink "/etc/systemd/system/" "/etc/systemd/system/pacman-init-arm.service"
add_full_dir "/usr/share/pacman/keyrings"
add_full_dir "/usr/share/makepkg"
# add local installed pacman database in container mode
if [[ -e "/etc/hostname" ]]; then
[[ "$(cat /etc/hostname )" == "archboot" ]] && add_full_dir "/var/lib/pacman/local"
add_full_dir "/var/lib/pacman/local"
### fix file
add_file "/usr/share/file/misc/magic.mgc"
### add ca certificates
add_full_dir "$ca_dir"
add_full_dir "$cert2_dir"
add_symlink "${cert_dir}/${cert}" "../ca-certificates/extracted/$cafile"
add_symlink "${cert2_dir}/${cert2}" "../../ca-certificates/extracted/$cafile"
### fix licenses
add_file "/usr/share/licenses/file/COPYING"
add_file "/usr/share/licenses/bzip2/LICENSE"
add_file "/usr/share/licenses/hdparm/LICENSE.TXT"
add_file "/usr/share/licenses/ncurses/COPYING"
add_file "/usr/share/licenses/pcre/LICENSE"
add_file "/usr/share/licenses/shadow/LICENSE"
add_file "/usr/share/licenses/sdparm/LICENSE"
add_file "/usr/share/licenses/zlib/LICENSE"
add_file "/usr/share/licenses/iana-etc/LICENSE"
add_file "/usr/share/licenses/dbus/COPYING"
help ()
This hook sets up all initial directories and installs base, kmod,
pam, pacman, shadow, systemd, udev utilities and libraries
for a archboot image.
DO NOT remove this one unless you know what you're doing.