
52 lines
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Raw Normal View History

### use arandr to set screen preference
### save as ~/.screenlayout/
### and uncomment next line
### ------------------------------------
### alt. use the xfce monitor setup from system settings control panel
~/.screenlayout/ &
### Required for xfce settings to work
#sleep 0.5; xfsettingsd &
### compositor
## if you are using nvdia graphics for best result use nvidia compositor
## don't enable if you are another compositor
#sleep 1; manjaro-compositor --start &
### launch thunar in daemon mode for faster startup
### comment if you would rather use pcmanfm
#thunar --daemon &
### use desktop icons and pcmanfm as wallpaper manager
### comment nitrogen below
pcmanfm -d --desktop &
### no desktop icons use nitrogen as wallpaper manager
### uncomment next line and comment pcmanfm above
#sleep 1; nitrogen --restore &
### uncomment to have polybar with network status
# sleep 1; polybar -c ~/.config/polybar/config openbox-bar &
### comment/uncomment to disable/enable tint2 &
sleep 1; tint2 -c ~/.config/tint2/Norse.tint2rc &
### comment/uncomment to disable/enable conky
#sleep 1; conky -c ~/.config/conky/KvFlatRed.conkyrc &
## comment/uncomment to disable/enable skippy windowswitcher
skippy-xd --config ~/.config/skippy-xd/skippy-xd.rc --start-daemon &
## super key for menu
xcape -e 'Super_L=Alt_L|F1' &
### PolicyKit authentication
lxpolkit &
### Localize user system folders
xdg-user-dirs-gtk-update &
### enable numlock
### uncomment next line
#numlockx &