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2020-03-13 20:30:06 +01:00
less <<-EOF
List of some useful keybindings.
More can be found from the file ~/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc.
You can also edit keybindings there.
Mod4 is super key, on many keyboards marked with windows logo.
As a rule of thumb, super+<direction> moves focus,
super+shift+<direction> moves focused window,
and super+ctrl+<direction> resizes windows.
Arrow keys, wasd and hjkl represent directions and numbers represent
different workspaces.
### Window manipulation ################################################################
Alt + Tab |- Cycle windows
Super + Tab |- Open window switcher
Super + x |- Close window
Super + shift + x |- Kill window
Super + <direction> |- Move focus to the direction
Super + shift + <direction> |- Move focused window to direction
Super + ctrl + <direction> |- Resize focused window to direction
Alt + shift + <direction> |- Preselect/split the rootwindow
Super + 1-9 |- Focus the desktop with that number
Super + shift + 1-9 |- Move focused window to desktop with that number
Super + Enter |- Move window to the biggest available space
| or preselection if there is one
Super + ctrl + Enter |- Preselect where the next window will be opened
Ctrl + space |- Preselect where the next window will be opened
Alt + Enter |- Preselect/split the rootwindow
Super + b |- Balance windows
Alt + b |- Toggle automatic window balancing
Super + i |- Make window sticky
Super + t |- Toggle tiling/floating
Super + shift + t |- Toggle pseudotiling
Super + shift + f |- Toggle fullscreen
Super + f |- Toggle monocle
Super + o |- Make window private
| (Avoids splitting it automatically)
Super + Shift + q |- Cleanly quit bspwm
Super + shift +r |- Reload bspwms configuration file
### Mousecommands ######################################################################
Leftclick menus |- Close menu
Super + scroll |- Adjust window gap
Super + drag |- Moves window
Super + rightclick drap |- Resizes window
Alt + leftclick |- Spawn window manipulation menu on cursor
Alt_gr + leftclick |- Split window depending on mouselocation
| and spawn application menu
### Applications #######################################################################
Super + p |- Dmenu (Run applications)
Super + space |- Dmenu (Run applications)
Super + shift + b |- Browser
Super + r |- File search
Super + e |- Explore files with Thunar
Super + shift + e |- Explore files with Ranger
Super + shift + Return |- Terminal
Super + z |- Terminal