#!/bin/env bash # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. clear window_icon=/usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/dcmi.svg main=/usr/bin/manjaro-iso-downloader iso_dir=$HOME/Manjaro-Iso gpg_log=$(mktemp) check_sums_log=$(mktemp) iso_list=$iso_dir/.iso.list iso_dev_list=$iso_dir/.iso-dev.list missing_prog=$(mktemp) missing_manj_de=$(mktemp) iso_ver_url='https://gitlab.manjaro.org/webpage/iso-info/-/raw/master/file-info.json' iso_ver=$(curl -sJL $iso_ver_url | grep -m1 'image' | grep -oP '(?<=kde/).*(?=/manjaro)') version='full\!minimal' type='direct\!torrent' is_dev=false iso_full_link_dev=$(mktemp) iso_minimal_link_dev=$(mktemp) isos_downloaded=$(mktemp) #work dir [[ ! -d $HOME/$iso_dir ]] && mkdir -p $iso_dir #list of essential programs check_prog=(curl wget aria2c zenity yad awk sed) #Upated Manjaro flavour list manj_de=(xfce gnome kde i3 cinnamon) #Manjaro dev Iso list manj_dev_de=(gnome plasma xfce) #grab iso link curl -sJL $iso_ver_url | grep 'image' | grep 'download.manjaro.org' | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d '",' > "$iso_list" trap 'rm -Rf $iso_dir/.tmp $check_sums_log $gpg_log $missing_prog $missing_manj_de $isos_downloaded ; killall aria2c ; exit ; killall manjaro-iso-downloader' ERR EXIT #Main Window settings gui() { icon=/usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/dcmi.svg if [[ -r "$icon" ]] ; then GDK_BACKEND=x11 /usr/bin/yad --center --window-icon="$icon" --title="Manjaro Isos $iso_ver Downloader and Checker" "$@" else GDK_BACKEND=x11 /usr/bin/yad --center --title="Manjaro Isos Downloader and Checker" "$@" fi } Welcome() { ISO=$(gui --image="$window_icon" --text-align=center --text="Welcome to Manjaro Isos Downloader and Checker\nA simple GUI for download lastes Isos and check the integrity" \ --form --separator=" " \ --field="Edition::CB" $edition \ --field="Version::CB" $version \ --field="Type::CB" $type) is_done=$? } Welcome_dev() { is_dev=true edition='Xfce\!Plasma\!Plasma-daily\!Gnome' ISO=$(gui --image="$window_icon" --text-align=center --text="Welcome to Manjaro Isos Downloader and Checker\nA simple GUI for download lastes Isos and check the integrity" \ --form --separator=" " \ --field="Edition::CB" $edition \ --field="Version::CB" $version) is_done=$? } get_iso() { iso_full_link=$(grep "$DE" $iso_list | grep -v 'minimal') iso_minimal_link=$(grep "$DE" $iso_list | grep 'minimal') iso_full_torrent=$(grep "$DE" $iso_list | grep -v 'minimal').torrent iso_minimal_torrent=$(grep "$DE" $iso_list | grep 'minimal').torrent iso_full_sha1=$(grep "$DE" $iso_list | grep -v 'minimal').sha1 iso_minimal_sha1=$(grep "$DE" $iso_list | grep 'minimal').sha1 iso_full_sig=$(grep "$DE" $iso_list | grep -v 'minimal').sig iso_minimal_sig=$(grep "$DE" $iso_list | grep 'minimal').sig mkdir -p $iso_dir/.tmp [[ $DE == 'sway' ]] && get_sway if [[ $TYPE == 'direct' ]] ; then [[ $VERSION == 'full' ]] && \ wget -nc -P "$iso_dir/.tmp" "$iso_full_link" "$iso_full_sha1" "$iso_full_sig" 2>&1 | \ sed -u 's/.* \([0-9]\+%\)\ \+\([0-9.]\+.\) \(.*\)/\1\n# Downloading at \2\/s, ETA \3/' | \ gui --image=download --progress --pulsate --title="Downloading $DE $iso_ver..." --auto-close --no-buttons --width=550 --height=150 || \ wget -nc -P "$iso_dir/.tmp" "$iso_minimal_link" "$iso_minimal_sha1" "$iso_minimal_sig" 2>&1 | \ sed -u 's/.* \([0-9]\+%\)\ \+\([0-9.]\+.\) \(.*\)/\1\n# Downloading at \2\/s, ETA \3/' | \ gui --image=download --progress --pulsate --title="Downloading $DE $iso_ver..." --auto-close --no-buttons --width=550 --height=150 else [[ $VERSION == 'full' ]] && \ wget -nc -P "$iso_dir/.tmp" "$iso_full_torrent" 2>&1 | \ sed -u 's/.* \([0-9]\+%\)\ \+\([0-9.]\+.\) \(.*\)/\1\n# Downloading at \2\/s, ETA \3/' | \ gui --image=download --progress --pulsate --title="Downloading $DE $iso_ver torrent..." --auto-close --no-buttons --width=550 --height=150 || \ wget -nc -P "$iso_dir/.tmp" "$iso_minimal_torrent" 2>&1 | \ sed -u 's/.* \([0-9]\+%\)\ \+\([0-9.]\+.\) \(.*\)/\1\n# Downloading at \2\/s, ETA \3/' | \ gui --image=download --progress --pulsate --title="Downloading $DE $iso_ver torrent..." --auto-close --no-buttons --width=550 --height=150 fi if [[ $TYPE == 'torrent' ]] ; then [[ $VERSION == 'full' ]] && \ wget -nc -P "$iso_dir/.tmp" "$iso_full_sha1" "$iso_full_sig" "$iso_full_torrent" 2>&1 | \ sed -u 's/.* \([0-9]\+%\)\ \+\([0-9.]\+.\) \(.*\)/\1\n# Downloading at \2\/s, ETA \3/' | \ gui --image=download --progress --pulsate --title="Downloading $DE $iso_ver..." --auto-close --no-buttons --width=550 --height=150 || \ wget -nc -P "$iso_dir/.tmp" "$iso_minimal_sha1" "$iso_minimal_sig" "$iso_minimal_torrent" 2>&1 | \ sed -u 's/.* \([0-9]\+%\)\ \+\([0-9.]\+.\) \(.*\)/\1\n# Downloading at \2\/s, ETA \3/' | \ gui --image=download --progress --pulsate --title="Downloading $DE $iso_ver..." --auto-close --no-buttons --width=550 --height=150 cd $iso_dir/.tmp (aria2c --continue=true --max-concurrent-downloads=5 --max-connection-per-server=4 --min-split-size=10M --split=5 --disable-ipv6=true \ --seed-time=0 --summary-interval=0 --console-log-level=warn --dir="$iso_dir/.tmp" $iso_dir/.tmp/*.torrent 2>&1) & pid=$!; while kill -0 $pid 2>&1; do echo 'working'; done | zenity --progress --pulsate --text="Waiting for Torrent download..." \ --title="Manjaro Isos $iso_ver Downloader and Checker" --auto-close --no-cancel fi cd $iso_dir/.tmp iso_name=$(ls *.iso) sha1_name=$(ls *.sha*) sig_name=$(ls *.sig) date +"$iso_name downloaded at %d/%m/%Y - %R" >> $iso_dir/history mv *.iso *.sha* *.sig $iso_dir rm -Rf $iso_dir/.tmp } get_iso_dev() { grep "$DE" "$iso_dev_list" | grep -v 'minimal' | grep 'z' | tr "\n" " " > "$iso_full_link_dev" grep "$DE" "$iso_dev_list" | grep 'minimal' | grep 'z' | tr "\n" " " > "$iso_minimal_link_dev" iso_full_sha256=$(grep "$DE" "$iso_dev_list" | grep -v 'minimal' | grep '.sha256') iso_minimal_sha256=$(grep "$DE" "$iso_dev_list" | grep 'minimal' | grep '.sha256') mkdir -p $iso_dir/.tmp [[ $DE -eq 'plasma-daily' ]] && VERSION=full [[ $VERSION == 'full' ]] && \ wget -nc -P "$iso_dir/.tmp" $(cat $iso_full_link_dev) "$iso_full_sha256" 2>&1 | \ sed -u 's/.* \([0-9]\+%\)\ \+\([0-9.]\+.\) \(.*\)/\1\n# Downloading at \2\/s, ETA \3/' | \ gui --image=download --progress --pulsate --title="Downloading $DE development version..." --auto-close --no-buttons --width=550 --height=150 || \ wget -nc -P "$iso_dir/.tmp" $(cat $iso_minimal_link_dev) "$iso_minimal_sha256" 2>&1 | \ sed -u 's/.* \([0-9]\+%\)\ \+\([0-9.]\+.\) \(.*\)/\1\n# Downloading at \2\/s, ETA \3/' | \ gui --image=download --progress --pulsate --title="Downloading $DE development version..." --auto-close --no-buttons --width=550 --height=150 } get_sway() { gui --text="You have choice Sway edition; press the button for open the external link " --button="Exit":0 --button="Sway download":1 --button="New Iso":2 case $? in 0) exit 1 ;; 1) xdg-open 'https://manjaro-sway.download/' & exec $main ;; 2) exec $main esac } check_programs() { for i in "${check_prog[@]}"; do command -v "$i" >/dev/null 2>&1 || echo "$i" >> "$missing_prog" done if [[ -s $missing_prog ]]; then gui --width=850 --height=270 --image=dialog-error --button=Ok --text-align=center --text='You need the following programs for continue' --text-info < "$missing_prog" exit 1 fi } check_manj_de() { for i in "${manj_de[@]}"; do grep "$i" "$iso_list" >/dev/null 2>&1 || echo "$i" >> "$missing_manj_de" done if [[ -s $missing_manj_de ]]; then gui --width=850 --height=270 --image=dialog-error --button=Ok --text-align=center --text='The following DE are temporary not avaiable:' --text-info < "$missing_manj_de" fi } check_integrity() { if [[ "$(ls -A $iso_dir)" ]]; then cd $iso_dir gui --timeout=5 --timeout-indicator=top --text='Next step: checksums integrity' --button=Skip:0 --width=550 --height=150 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then (sha1sum -c $sha1_name > $check_sums_log) & pid=$! while kill -0 $pid 2>&1; do echo 'working'; done | zenity --progress --pulsate --text="Waiting for SHA1SUM check..." \ --title="Manjaro Isos $iso_ver Downloader and Checker" --auto-close --no-cancel gui --width=850 --height=270 --button=Ok --image=dialog-error --text-align=center --text='SHA1SUM check result:' --text-info < $check_sums_log fi gui --timeout=5 --timeout-indicator=top --text='Next step: GPG integrity' --button=Skip:0 --width=550 --height=150 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then (gpg --verify $sig_name $iso_name &> $gpg_log) & pid=$! while kill -0 $pid 2>&1; do echo 'working'; done | zenity --progress --pulsate --text="Waiting for GPG check..." \ --title="Manjaro Isos $iso_ver Downloader and Checker" --auto-close --no-cancel gui --width=850 --height=270 --button=Ok --image=dialog-error --text-align=center --text='GPG signatur result:' --text-info < $gpg_log fi fi } check_integrity_dev() { if [[ "$(ls -A $iso_dir)" ]]; then cd $iso_dir gui --timeout=5 --timeout-indicator=top --text='Next step: checksums integrity' --button=Skip:0 --width=550 --height=150 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then (sha256sum -c $iso_name.sha* > $check_sums_log) & pid=$! while kill -0 $pid 2>&1; do echo 'working'; done | zenity --progress --pulsate --text="Waiting for SHA256SUM check..." \ --title="Manjaro Isos $iso_ver Downloader and Checker" --auto-close --no-cancel gui --width=850 --height=270 --button=Ok --image=dialog-error --text-align=center --text='SHA256SUM check result:' --text-info < $check_sums_log fi fi } check_connection() { wget -q --tries=10 --timeout=20 --spider https://google.com if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then gui --text-align=center --text="Check your internet connection \nyou are offline" --button="Ok":0 --button="Exit":1 case $? in 0) exec $main ;; 1) exit 1 esac fi } check_edition() { gui --image="$window_icon" --text-align=center --text="Download Official, Community or Development ISOs:" --button='Official':0 \ --button='Community':1 --button='Development':3 --button='Restart':2 --button='Exit':4 sel_ed=$? case $sel_ed in 0) edition='Xfce\!Plasma\!Gnome' ;; 1) edition='Cinnamon\!I3\!Sway' ;; 2) exec $main ;; 3) dev_iso_list && Welcome_dev ;; *) exit 1 esac } final_msg() { gui --text="Done, the Iso can be found at $iso_dir " --button="Exit":0 --button="Open folder":1 --button="New Iso":2 case $? in 0) exit 1 ;; 1) xdg-open $iso_dir ;; 2) exec $main esac } dev_iso_list() { #grab iso dev download link ##################################################################### rm -f "$iso_dev_list" for i in "${manj_dev_de[@]}"; do iso_ver_dev_url="https://api.github.com/repos/manjaro-${i}/download/releases" curl -s "$iso_ver_dev_url"/latest | jq -r ".assets[] | .browser_download_url " >> "$iso_dev_list" done curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/manjaro/plasma-daily/releases/latest | jq -r ".assets[] | .browser_download_url" >> "$iso_dev_list" ################################################################################################# } build_iso() { cd $iso_dir/.tmp 7z t *.zip &> /dev/null & while pkill -0 7z; do echo 'Checking' done | zenity --progress --pulsate --text="Checking..." --title="Manjaro Isos $iso_ver Downloader and Checker" --auto-close --no-cancel if [[ $i -eq 0 ]]; then 7z x -y *.zip &> /dev/null & while pkill -0 7z; do echo 'Unzipping... ' done | zenity --progress --pulsate --text="Unzipping..." --title="Manjaro Isos $iso_ver Downloader and Checker" --auto-close --no-cancel else gui --text-aligned=center --text='Iso corrupted: choice again an Iso' --button='Change version':0 --button='Exit':1 if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then exec $main else exit 1 fi fi iso_name=$(ls *.iso) date +"$iso_name downloaded at %d/%m/%Y - %R" >> $iso_dir/history mv *.iso *.sha* $iso_dir rm -Rf $iso_dir/.tmp } downloaded_iso() { cd $iso_dir ls *iso > $isos_downloaded gui --width=850 --height=270 --button='Exit':1 --button='Next':0 --image=dialog-error --text-align=center --text="ISOs in the $iso_dir folder:" --text-info < $isos_downloaded } #Main program check_programs check_connection check_manj_de if [[ $(find $iso_dir -name '*.iso') ]]; then downloaded_iso [[ $? -eq 1 ]] && exit 1 fi check_edition [[ $is_dev = 'false' ]] && Welcome if [[ $is_dev = 'false' ]]; then [[ $is_done == 1 ]] && exec $main DE=$(echo $ISO | awk '{print $1}' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') VERSION=$(echo $ISO | awk '{print $2}') TYPE=$(echo $ISO | awk '{print $3}') [[ $DE == 'plasma' ]] && DE=kde else [[ $is_done == 1 ]] && exec $main DE=$(echo $ISO | awk '{print $1}' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') VERSION=$(echo $ISO | awk '{print $2}') fi [[ $is_dev == false ]] && get_iso [[ $is_dev == true ]] && get_iso_dev [[ $is_dev == true ]] && build_iso [[ $is_dev == false ]] && check_integrity || check_integrity_dev final_msg $main #Done