This commit is contained in:
udeved 2014-10-04 15:54:50 +02:00
parent a2c899833c
commit 84167444c4

View file

@ -12,132 +12,6 @@ if [[ -r @libdir@/ ]];then
source @libdir@/
# get_profiles(){
# local prof= temp=
# for p in $(ls ${profiledir}/*.set);do
# temp=${p##*/}
# prof=${prof:-}${prof:+|}${temp%.set}
# done
# echo $prof
# }
# get_user(){
# echo $(ls ${chrootdir} | cut -d' ' -f1 | grep -v root | grep -v lock)
# }
# chroot_clean(){
# for copy in "${chrootdir}"/*; do
# [[ -d "${copy}" ]] || continue
# msg2 "Deleting chroot copy '$(basename "${copy}")'..."
# exec 9>"${copy}.lock"
# if ! flock -n 9; then
# stat_busy "Locking chroot copy '${copy}'"
# flock 9
# stat_done
# fi
# if [[ "$(stat -f -c %T "${copy}")" == btrfs ]]; then
# { type -P btrfs && btrfs subvolume delete "${copy}"; } &>/dev/null
# fi
# rm -rf --one-file-system "${copy}"
# done
# exec 9>&-
# rm -rf --one-file-system "${chrootdir}"
# }
# chroot_create(){
# mkdir -p "${chrootdir}"
# setarch ${arch} \
# mkchroot ${mkmanjaroroot_args[*]} ${chrootdir}/root ${base_packages[*]} || abort
# }
# chroot_update(){
# setarch "${arch}" \
# mkchroot ${mkmanjaroroot_args[*]} -u ${chrootdir}/$(get_user) || abort
# }
# chroot_init(){
# if [[ ! -d "${chrootdir}" ]]; then
# msg "Creating chroot for [${branch}] (${arch})..."
# chroot_create
# elif ${clean_first};then
# msg "Creating chroot for [${branch}] (${arch})..."
# chroot_clean
# chroot_create
# else
# msg "Updating chroot for [${branch}] (${arch})..."
# chroot_update
# fi
# }
# chroot_build_set(){
# chroot_init
# msg "Start building profile: [${profile}]"
# for pkg in $(cat ${profiledir}/${profile}.set); do
# cd $pkg
# setarch ${arch} \
# mkchrootpkg ${makechrootpkg_args[*]} -- "${makepkg_args[*]}" || break
# if [[ $pkg == 'eudev' ]]; then
# local blacklist=('libsystemd')
# pacman -Rdd "${blacklist[@]}" -r ${chrootdir}/$(get_user) --noconfirm
# local temp
# if [[ -z $PKGDEST ]];then
# temp=$pkg
# else
# temp=$pkgdir/$pkg
# fi
# pacman -U $temp*${ARCH}*pkg*z -r ${chrootdir}/$(get_user) --noconfirm
# fi
# cd ..
# done
# msg "Finished building profile: [${profile}]"
# }
# chroot_build(){
# cd ${profile}
# chroot_init
# setarch ${arch} \
# mkchrootpkg ${makechrootpkg_args[*]} -- "${makepkg_args[*]}" || abort
# cd ..
# }
# display_build_set(){
# msg "SETS:"
# msg2 "profiles: $profiles"
# msg2 "profile: $profile"
# msg2 "is_profile: ${is_profile}"
# if ${is_profile};then
# msg "These packages will be built:"
# local temp=$(cat ${profiledir}/${profile}.set)
# for p in ${temp[@]}; do
# msg2 "$p"
# done
# else
# msg "This package will be built:"
# msg2 "${profile}"
# fi
# }
# run_pretend(){
# eval "case ${profile} in
# $profiles) is_profile=true ;;
# *) is_profile=false ;;
# esac"
# display_build_set
# exit 1
# }
# run(){
# eval "case ${profile} in
# $profiles) is_profile=true; display_build_set && chroot_build_set ;;
# *) display_build_set && chroot_build ;;
# esac"
# }
shopt -s nullglob