#!/bin/bash # m4_include(lib/common.sh) source @libdir@/functions.sh get_profiles(){ local prof= temp= for p in $(ls ${profiledir}/*.set);do temp=${p##*/} prof=${prof:-}${prof:+|}${temp%.set} done echo $prof } get_user(){ echo $(ls ${chrootdir} | cut -d' ' -f1 | grep -v root | grep -v lock) } chroot_clean(){ for copy in "${chrootdir}"/*; do [[ -d "${copy}" ]] || continue msg2 "Deleting chroot copy '$(basename "${copy}")'..." exec 9>"${copy}.lock" if ! flock -n 9; then stat_busy "Locking chroot copy '${copy}'" flock 9 stat_done fi if [[ "$(stat -f -c %T "${copy}")" == btrfs ]]; then { type -P btrfs && btrfs subvolume delete "${copy}"; } &>/dev/null fi rm -rf --one-file-system "${copy}" done exec 9>&- rm -rf --one-file-system "${chrootdir}" } chroot_create(){ mkdir -p "${chrootdir}" setarch ${arch} \ mkchroot ${mkmanjaroroot_args[*]} ${chrootdir}/root ${base_packages[*]} || abort } chroot_update(){ setarch "${arch}" \ mkchroot ${mkmanjaroroot_args[*]} -u ${chrootdir}/$(get_user) || abort } chroot_init(){ if [[ ! -d "${chrootdir}" ]]; then msg "Creating chroot for [${branch}] (${arch})..." chroot_create elif ${clean_first};then msg "Creating chroot for [${branch}] (${arch})..." chroot_clean chroot_create else msg "Updating chroot for [${branch}] (${arch})..." chroot_update fi } chroot_build_set(){ chroot_init msg "Start building profile: [${profile}]" for pkg in $(cat ${profiledir}/${profile}.set); do cd $pkg setarch ${arch} \ mkchrootpkg ${makechrootpkg_args[*]} -- "${makepkg_args[*]}" || break if [[ $pkg == 'eudev' ]]; then local blacklist=('libsystemd') pacman -Rdd "${blacklist[@]}" -r ${chrootdir}/$(get_user) --noconfirm local temp if [[ -z $PKGDEST ]];then temp=$pkg else temp=$pkgdir/$pkg fi pacman -U $temp*${ARCH}*pkg*z -r ${chrootdir}/$(get_user) --noconfirm fi cd .. done msg "Finished building profile: [${profile}]" } chroot_build(){ cd ${profile} chroot_init setarch ${arch} \ mkchrootpkg ${makechrootpkg_args[*]} -- "${makepkg_args[*]}" || abort cd .. } display_build_set(){ msg "SETS:" msg2 "profiles: $profiles" msg2 "profile: $profile" msg2 "is_profile: ${is_profile}" if ${is_profile};then msg "These packages will be built:" local temp=$(cat ${profiledir}/${profile}.set) for p in ${temp[@]}; do msg2 "$p" done else msg "This package will be built:" msg2 "${profile}" fi } run_pretend(){ eval "case ${profile} in $profiles) is_profile=true ;; *) is_profile=false ;; esac" display_build_set exit 0 } run(){ eval "case ${profile} in $profiles) is_profile=true; display_build_set && chroot_build_set ;; *) display_build_set && chroot_build ;; esac" } #################################MAIN########################################## export LC_MESSAGES=C shopt -s nullglob version=20141003 arch=$(uname -m) pacman_conf_arch='default' devtools_conf='@sysconfdir@/devtools.conf' if [[ -f ${devtools_conf} ]]; then . ${devtools_conf} fi if [[ -n ${branch} ]];then branch=${branch} else branch='stable' fi if [[ -n ${profile} ]];then profile=${profile} else profile='default' fi if [[ -n ${chroots} ]];then chroots=${chroots} else chroots='/srv/manjarobuild' fi if [[ -n ${profiledir} ]];then profiledir=${profiledir} else profiledir='@sysconfdir@/sets' fi if [[ -f ~/.makepkg.conf ]];then . ~/.makepkg.conf else if [[ -r /etc/makepkg.conf ]]; then . /etc/makepkg.conf fi fi if [[ -n ${pkgdir} ]];then pkgdir=${pkgdir} else pkgdir=$(pwd)/packages fi clean_first=false namcap=false sign=false verbose=false nosystemd=false pretend=false is_profile=false clean_rundir=false repo=false base_packages=('base-devel') mkmanjaroroot_args=() makechrootpkg_args=() makepkg_args=() misc_args=() profiles=$(get_profiles) usage() { echo "Usage: ${0##*/} [options] -- [makepkg_args]" echo " -p Set profile or pkg [default ${profile}]" echo " -a Set arch [default ${arch}]" echo " -b Set branch [default ${branch}]" echo " -r Chroots directory [default ${chroots}]" echo " -c Clean chroot [default ${clean_first}]" echo " -n Run namcap check [default ${namcap}]" echo ' -s Sign packages' echo ' -v Verbose' echo " -x Use classic chroot instead of systemd-nspawn [default ${nosystemd}]" echo ' Useful for testing if systemd is running to bypass autodetection' echo " -q Pretend build [default ${pretend}]" echo ' -w Wipe clean pkgbuild directory' echo ' -y Add package to repo' echo ' -h This help' echo '' echo '' exit 1 } opts='p:a:b:r:cnsvxqwyh' while getopts "${opts}" arg; do case "${arg}" in p) profile="$OPTARG" ;; a) arch="$OPTARG" ;; b) branch="$OPTARG" ;; r) chroots="$OPTARG" ;; c) clean_first=true ;; n) namcap=true;; s) sign=true ;; v) verbose=true ;; x) nosystemd=true ;; q) pretend=true; verbose=true ;; w) clean_rundir=true ;; y) repo=true ;; h) usage ;; esac done if [[ "$arch" == 'multilib' ]]; then pacman_conf_arch='multilib' arch='x86_64' branch="${branch}-multilib" base_packages+=('multilib-devel') fi pacman_conf="@pkgdatadir@/pacman-${pacman_conf_arch}.conf" makepkg_conf="@pkgdatadir@/makepkg-${arch}.conf" chrootdir=${chroots}/${branch}-${arch} #WORKDIR=${chrootdir} if ${nosystemd};then mkmanjaroroot_args+=(-x) fi if ${namcap};then makechrootpkg_args+=(-n) fi # if ${repo};then # makechrootpkg_args+=(-d) # fi mkmanjaroroot_args+=(-C ${pacman_conf} -M ${makepkg_conf} -b ${branch}) makechrootpkg_args+=(-b ${branch} -r ${chrootdir}) makepkg_args+=("${*:$OPTIND}") if ${verbose};then msg "OPTARGS:" msg2 "arch: $arch" msg2 "branch: $branch" msg2 "chroots: $chroots" msg "PATHS:" msg2 "chrootdir: $chrootdir" msg2 "profiledir: $profiledir" msg2 "pacman_conf: ${pacman_conf}" msg2 "makepkg_conf: $makepkg_conf" msg "mkmanjaroroot:" msg2 "args: ${mkmanjaroroot_args[*]}" msg "makechrootpkg:" msg2 "args: ${makechrootpkg_args[*]}" msg "makepkg:" msg2 "args: ${makepkg_args[*]}" msg "FLAGS:" msg2 "clean_first: $clean_first" msg2 "namcap: ${namcap}" msg2 "sign: $sign" msg2 "nosystemd: $nosystemd" msg2 "clean_rundir: $clean_rundir" msg2 "repo: ${repo}" msg "PKG:" msg2 "base_packages: ${base_packages[*]}" msg2 "pkgdir: ${pkgdir}" msg2 "PKGDEST: ${PKGDEST}" misc_args+=(-v) fi if ${clean_rundir}; then if ${pretend};then msg "Files to be cleaned ${rundir} ..." git clean -dfxn else msg "Cleaning ${rundir} ..." if ${verbose};then git clean -dfx else git clean -dfxq fi fi fi if [[ -n $PKGDEST ]];then pkgdir=$PKGDEST else pkgdir=${pkgdir}/${arch} mkdir -p ${misc_args[*]} ${pkgdir} fi if [[ $EUID != 0 ]]; then die 'This script must be run as root.' else if ${pretend};then run_pretend $@ else run $@ fi fi . build-set-helper