#!/bin/bash # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. read_set(){ local _space="s| ||g" \ _clean=':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g' \ _com_rm="s|#.*||g" stack=$(sed "$_com_rm" "$1.set" \ | sed "$_space" \ | sed "$_clean") } # $1: sets_dir list_sets(){ local prof temp for item in $(ls $1/*.set); do temp=${item##*/} prof=${prof:-}${prof:+|}${temp%.set} done echo $prof } # $1: sets_dir # $2: buildset eval_buildset(){ eval "case $2 in $(list_sets $1)) is_buildset=true ;; *) is_buildset=false ;; esac" ${is_buildset} && read_set $1/$2 } eval_edition(){ local result=$(find ${run_dir} -maxdepth 2 -name "$1") path [[ -z $result ]] && die "$1 is not a valid profile or buildset!" path=${result%/*} edition=${path##*/} } get_timer(){ echo $(date +%s) } get_timer_ms(){ echo $(date +%s%3N) } # $1: start timer elapsed_time(){ echo $(echo $1 $(get_timer) | awk '{ printf "%0.2f",($2-$1)/60 }') } # $1: start timer elapsed_time_ms(){ echo $(echo $1 $(get_timer_ms) | awk '{ printf "%0.3f",($2-$1)/1000 }') } check_root() { (( EUID == 0 )) && return if type -P sudo >/dev/null; then exec sudo -- "$@" else exec su root -c "$(printf ' %q' "$@")" fi } copy_mirrorlist(){ cp -a /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist "$1/etc/pacman.d/" } copy_keyring(){ if [[ -d /etc/pacman.d/gnupg ]] && [[ ! -d $1/etc/pacman.d/gnupg ]]; then cp -a /etc/pacman.d/gnupg "$1/etc/pacman.d/" fi } load_vars() { local var [[ -f $1 ]] || return 1 for var in {SRC,SRCPKG,PKG,LOG}DEST MAKEFLAGS PACKAGER CARCH GPGKEY; do [[ -z ${!var} ]] && eval $(grep "^${var}=" "$1") done return 0 } prepare_dir(){ [[ ! -d $1 ]] && mkdir -p $1 } version_gen(){ local y=$(date +%Y) m=$(date +%m) dist_release=${y:2}.$m } version_gen2(){ local y=$(date +%Y) m=$(date +%m) case $month in 01|04|07|10) dist_release=${y:2}.$m.1 ;; 02|05|08|11) dist_release=${y:2}.$m.2 ;; *) dist_release=${y:2}.$m ;; esac } init_common(){ [[ -z ${branch} ]] && branch='stable' [[ -z ${arch} ]] && arch=$(uname -m) [[ -z ${cache_dir} ]] && cache_dir='/var/cache/manjaro-tools' [[ -z ${chroots_dir} ]] && chroots_dir='/var/lib/manjaro-tools' [[ -z ${build_mirror} ]] && build_mirror='http://mirror.netzspielplatz.de/manjaro/packages' } init_buildtree(){ tree_dir=${cache_dir}/pkgtree tree_dir_abs=${tree_dir}/packages-archlinux [[ -z ${repo_tree[@]} ]] && repo_tree=('core' 'extra' 'community' 'multilib' 'openrc') [[ -z ${host_tree} ]] && host_tree='https://github.com/manjaro' [[ -z ${host_tree_abs} ]] && host_tree_abs='https://projects.archlinux.org/git/svntogit' } init_buildpkg(){ chroots_pkg="${chroots_dir}/buildpkg" sets_dir_pkg="${SYSCONFDIR}/pkg.d" prepare_dir "${sets_dir_pkg}" [[ -d ${USERCONFDIR}/pkg.d ]] && sets_dir_pkg=${USERCONFDIR}/pkg.d [[ -z ${buildset_pkg} ]] && buildset_pkg='default' cache_dir_pkg=${cache_dir}/pkg } init_buildiso(){ chroots_iso="${chroots_dir}/buildiso" sets_dir_iso="${SYSCONFDIR}/iso.d" prepare_dir "${sets_dir_iso}" [[ -d ${USERCONFDIR}/iso.d ]] && sets_dir_iso=${USERCONFDIR}/iso.d [[ -z ${buildset_iso} ]] && buildset_iso='default' cache_dir_iso="${cache_dir}/iso" ##### iso settings ##### if [[ -z ${dist_release} ]];then # source /etc/lsb-release # dist_release=${DISTRIB_RELEASE} version_gen fi if [[ -z ${dist_codename} ]];then source /etc/lsb-release dist_codename="${DISTRIB_CODENAME}" fi [[ -z ${dist_branding} ]] && dist_branding="MJRO" [[ -z ${dist_name} ]] && dist_name="Manjaro" [[ -z ${iso_name} ]] && iso_name="manjaro" iso_label="${dist_branding}${dist_release//.}" iso_label="${iso_label//_}" # relace all _ iso_label="${iso_label//-}" # relace all - iso_label="${iso_label^^}" # all uppercase iso_label="${iso_label::8}" # limit to 8 characters [[ -z ${iso_publisher} ]] && iso_publisher='Manjaro Linux ' [[ -z ${iso_app_id} ]] && iso_app_id='Manjaro Linux Live/Rescue CD' [[ -z ${iso_compression} ]] && iso_compression='xz' [[ -z ${iso_checksum} ]] && iso_checksum='md5' [[ -z ${use_overlayfs} ]] && use_overlayfs='true' used_kernel=$(uname -r | cut -d . -f1) [[ ${used_kernel} -lt "4" ]] && use_overlayfs='false' # [[ -z ${profile_repo} ]] && profile_repo='manjaro-tools-iso-profiles' } init_deployiso(){ [[ -z ${remote_target} ]] && remote_target="/home/frs/project" [[ -z ${remote_project} ]] && remote_project="manjaro-testing" [[ -z ${remote_user} ]] && remote_user="[SetUser]" [[ -z ${remote_url} ]] && remote_url="sourceforge.net" [[ -z ${limit} ]] && limit=100 } load_config(){ [[ -f $1 ]] || return 1 manjaro_tools_conf="$1" [[ -r ${manjaro_tools_conf} ]] && source ${manjaro_tools_conf} init_common init_buildtree init_buildpkg init_buildiso init_deployiso return 0 } load_profile_config(){ [[ -f $1 ]] || return 1 profile_conf="$1/profile.conf" [[ -r ${profile_conf} ]] && source ${profile_conf} [[ -z ${initsys} ]] && initsys="systemd" [[ -z ${displaymanager} ]] && displaymanager="none" [[ -z ${autologin} ]] && autologin="true" [[ -z ${multilib} ]] && multilib="true" [[ -z ${pxe_boot} ]] && pxe_boot="true" [[ -z ${plymouth_boot} ]] && plymouth_boot="true" [[ -z ${nonfree_xorg} ]] && nonfree_xorg="true" [[ -z ${default_desktop_executable} ]] && default_desktop_executable="none" [[ -z ${default_desktop_file} ]] && default_desktop_file="none" [[ -z ${kernel} ]] && kernel="linux41" used_kernel=$(echo ${kernel} | cut -c 6) [[ ${used_kernel} -lt "4" ]] && use_overlayfs='false' [[ -z ${efi_boot_loader} ]] && efi_boot_loader="grub" [[ -z ${efi_part_size} ]] && efi_part_size="31M" [[ -z ${hostname} ]] && hostname="manjaro" [[ -z ${username} ]] && username="manjaro" [[ -z ${plymouth_theme} ]] && plymouth_theme="manjaro-elegant" [[ -z ${password} ]] && password="manjaro" if [[ -z ${addgroups} ]];then addgroups="video,audio,power,disk,storage,optical,network,lp,scanner,wheel" fi if [[ -z ${start_systemd[@]} ]];then start_systemd=('bluetooth' 'cronie' 'ModemManager' 'NetworkManager' 'org.cups.cupsd' 'tlp' 'tlp-sleep') fi if [[ -z ${disable_systemd[@]} ]];then disable_systemd=('pacman-init') fi if [[ -z ${start_openrc[@]} ]];then start_openrc=('acpid' 'bluetooth' 'cgmanager' 'consolekit' 'cronie' 'cupsd' 'dbus' 'syslog-ng' 'NetworkManager') fi if [[ -z ${disable_openrc[@]} ]];then disable_openrc=('pacman-init') fi if [[ -z ${start_systemd_live[@]} ]];then start_systemd_live=('livecd' 'mhwd-live' 'pacman-init') fi if [[ -z ${start_openrc_live[@]} ]];then start_openrc_live=('livecd' 'mhwd-live' 'pacman-init') fi return 0 } clean_dir(){ if [[ -d $1 ]]; then msg "Cleaning [$1] ..." rm -r $1/* fi } write_repo_conf(){ local repos=$(find $USER_HOME -type f -name ".buildiso") local path name [[ -z ${repos[@]} ]] && repos=${DATADIR}/iso-profiles for r in ${repos[@]}; do path=${r%/.*} name=${path##*/} echo "run_dir=$path" > ${USERCONFDIR}/$name.conf done } load_user_info(){ OWNER=${SUDO_USER:-$USER} if [[ -n $SUDO_USER ]]; then eval "USER_HOME=~$SUDO_USER" else USER_HOME=$HOME fi USERCONFDIR="$USER_HOME/.config/manjaro-tools" prepare_dir "${USERCONFDIR}" } load_run_dir(){ [[ -f ${USERCONFDIR}/$1.conf ]] || write_repo_conf [[ -r ${USERCONFDIR}/$1.conf ]] && source ${USERCONFDIR}/$1.conf return 0 } show_version(){ msg "manjaro-tools" msg2 "version: ${version}" } show_config(){ if [[ -f ${USERCONFDIR}/manjaro-tools.conf ]]; then msg2 "user_config: ${USERCONFDIR}/manjaro-tools.conf" else msg2 "manjaro_tools_conf: ${manjaro_tools_conf}" fi } # $1: chroot kill_chroot_process(){ # enable to have more debug info #msg "machine-id (etc): $(cat $1/etc/machine-id)" #[[ -e $1/var/lib/dbus/machine-id ]] && msg "machine-id (lib): $(cat $1/var/lib/dbus/machine-id)" #msg "running processes: " #lsof | grep $1 local prefix="$1" flink pid name for root_dir in /proc/*/root; do flink=$(readlink $root_dir) if [ "x$flink" != "x" ]; then if [ "x${flink:0:${#prefix}}" = "x$prefix" ]; then # this process is in the chroot... pid=$(basename $(dirname "$root_dir")) name=$(ps -p $pid -o comm=) msg3 "Killing chroot process: $name ($pid)" kill -9 "$pid" fi fi done } create_min_fs(){ msg "Creating install root at $1" mkdir -m 0755 -p $1/var/{cache/pacman/pkg,lib/pacman,log} $1/{dev,run,etc} mkdir -m 1777 -p $1/tmp mkdir -m 0555 -p $1/{sys,proc} } is_valid_bool(){ case $1 in 'true'|'false') return 0 ;; *) return 1 ;; esac } is_valid_init(){ case $1 in 'openrc'|'systemd') return 0 ;; *) return 1 ;; esac } is_valid_arch_pkg(){ case $1 in 'i686'|'x86_64'|'multilib') return 0 ;; *) return 1 ;; esac } is_valid_arch_iso(){ case $1 in 'i686'|'x86_64') return 0 ;; *) return 1 ;; esac } is_valid_branch(){ case $1 in 'stable'|'testing'|'unstable') return 0 ;; *) return 1 ;; esac } run(){ if ${is_buildset};then for item in ${stack[@]};do $1 $item done else $1 $2 fi }