#!/bin/bash # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. version=@version@ LIBDIR='@libdir@' [[ -r ${LIBDIR}/util-msg.sh ]] && source ${LIBDIR}/util-msg.sh import ${LIBDIR}/util.sh import ${LIBDIR}/util-mount.sh working_dir='' keep_mirrors=false usage() { echo "Usage: ${0##*/} [options] working-dir [run arguments]" echo "A wrapper around chroot. Provides support for pacman." echo echo ' options:' echo ' -C Location of a pacman config file' echo ' -M Location of a makepkg config file' echo ' -S Location of a pacman-mirrors config file' echo ' -c Set pacman cache' echo ' -r Bind mountargs ro' echo ' -w Bind mountargs rw' echo ' List format [src1:target1,...,srcN:targetN]' echo ' -B Use custom build mirror' echo ' -K Keep mirrorlist (-B)' echo ' -h This message' exit 1 } orig_argv=("$@") opts='hKC:M:S:c:r:w:B:' while getopts ${opts} arg; do case "${arg}" in C) pac_conf="$OPTARG" ;; M) makepkg_conf="$OPTARG" ;; S) mirrors_conf="$OPTARG" ;; c) cache_dir="$OPTARG" ;; r) mountargs_ro="$OPTARG" ;; w) mountargs_rw="$OPTARG" ;; B) build_mirror="$OPTARG" ;; K) keep_mirrors=true ;; h|?) usage ;; *) error "invalid argument '$arg'"; usage ;; esac done shift $(($OPTIND - 1)) (( $# < 1 )) && die 'You must specify a directory.' check_root "$0" "${orig_argv[@]}" working_dir=$(readlink -f "$1") shift 1 [[ -z $working_dir ]] && die 'Please specify a working directory.' if [[ -z $cache_dir ]]; then cache_dirs=($(pacman -v 2>&1 | grep '^Cache Dirs:' | sed 's/Cache Dirs:\s*//g')) else cache_dirs=("$cache_dir") fi copy_hostconf () { cp -a /etc/pacman.d/gnupg "$1/etc/pacman.d" [[ -n $pac_conf ]] && cp $pac_conf "$1/etc/pacman.conf" [[ -n $makepkg_conf ]] && cp $makepkg_conf "$1/etc/makepkg.conf" [[ -n $mirrors_conf ]] && cp ${mirrors_conf} "$1/etc/pacman-mirrors.conf" if [[ -n ${build_mirror} ]]; then build_mirror=${build_mirror}'/$repo/$arch' if ${keep_mirrors}; then set_branch "$1" "$(get_branch $1)" else echo "Server = ${build_mirror}" > "$1/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist" fi else set_branch "$1" "$(get_branch $1)" fi sed -r "s|^#?\\s*CacheDir.+|CacheDir = $(echo -n ${cache_dirs[@]})|g" -i "$1/etc/pacman.conf" } chroot_extra_umount() { chroot_mount "/etc/resolv.conf" "$1/etc/resolv.conf" -B chroot_mount "${cache_dirs[0]}" "$1${cache_dirs[0]}" -B for cache_dir in ${cache_dirs[@]:1}; do chroot_mount "$cache_dir" "$1${cache_dir}" -Br done if [[ -n ${mountargs_ro[@]} ]]; then local IFS=',' for m in ${mountargs_ro[@]}; do chroot_mount "${m%%:*}" "$1${m##*:}" -Br done unset IFS fi if [[ -n ${mountargs_rw[@]} ]]; then local IFS=',' for m in ${mountargs_rw[@]}; do chroot_mount "${m%%:*}" "$1${m##*:}" -B done unset IFS fi } umask 0022 # Sanity check if [[ ! -f "$working_dir/.manjaro-tools" ]]; then die "'%s' does not appear to be a Manjaro chroot." "$working_dir" elif [[ $(cat "$working_dir/.manjaro-tools") != $version ]]; then die "chroot '%s' is not at version %s. Please rebuild." "$working_dir" "$version" fi chroot_api_mount "${working_dir}" || die "failed to setup API filesystems in chroot %s" "${working_dir}" chroot_extra_umount "${working_dir}" copy_hostconf "${working_dir}" eval $(grep '^CARCH=' "$working_dir/etc/makepkg.conf") ${CARCH:+setarch "$CARCH"} chroot "${working_dir}" "$@" kill_chroot_process "${working_dir}"