Philip Müller be6d499cbd [calamares] add windows placement
- will be introduced in 3.2.18
2020-01-17 10:30:30 +01:00

122 lines
3 KiB

################ manjaro-tools.conf ##################
# default target branch
# target_branch=stable
# default target arch: auto detect
# target_arch=$(uname -m)
# cache dir where buildpkg, buildtree cache packages/pkgbuild, builiso iso files
# cache_dir=/var/cache/manjaro-tools
# build dir where buildpkg or buildiso chroots are created
# chroots_dir=/var/lib/manjaro-tools
# log dir where log files are created
# log_dir='/var/log/manjaro-tools'
# custom build mirror server
# build_mirror=
################ buildtree ###############
# manjaro package tree
# repo_tree=('core' 'extra' 'community' 'multilib')
# host_tree=
# default https seems slow; try this
# host_tree_abs=git://
################ buildpkg ################
# default pkg build list; name without .list extension
# build_list_pkg=default
################ buildiso ################
# default branch for iso-profiles repo: v18.1 Juhraya master>development release
# branch=v18.1
# default iso build list; name without .list extension
# build_list_iso=default
# the dist release; default: auto
# dist_release=18.1
# the dist codename; default: auto
# dist_codename=Juhraya
# the OS branding; default: auto
# dist_name
# the branding; default: auto
# dist_branding="MJRO"
# compression used, possible values gzip, lzma, lz4, lzo, xy, zstd (default)
# iso_compression=zstd
# unset defaults to given value
# kernel="linux54"
# gpg key; leave empty or commented to skip sfs signing
# gpgkey=""
########## calamares preferences ##########
#See branding.desc.d for reference
# welcome style for calamares: true="Welcome to the %1 installer." ; false="Welcome to the Calamares installer for %1." (default)
# welcomestyle=false
# welcome image scaled (productWelcome)
# welcomelogo=true
# size and expansion policy for Calamares (possible value: normal,fullscreen,noexpand)
# windowexp=noexpand
# size of Calamares window, expressed as w,h.
# (possible units: pixel (px) or font-units (em))
# windowsize="800px,520px"
# placement of Calamares window, either "center" or "free".
# windowplacement="center"
# colors for text and background components:
# background of the sidebar
# sidebarbackground=#454948
# text color
# sidebartext=#efefef
# background of the selected step
# sidebartextselect=#4d915e
# text color of the selected step
# sidebartexthighlight=#1a1c1b
################ deployiso ################
# the server user
# account=[SetUser]
# Set to 'true' to use ssh-agent to store passphrase.
# ssh_agent=false
# use alternative storage server (one or the other might be more stable)
# alt_storage=false
# the server project: manjaro|manjaro-community
# determined automatically based on profile if unset
# project="[SetProject]"
# set upload bandwidth limit in kB/s
# limit=
# the torrent tracker urls, comma separated
# tracker_url='udp://'
# Piece size, 2^n
# piece_size=21