2014-12-22 23:32:19 +01:00

121 lines
3.3 KiB

########### manjaro-tools common #############
# unset defaults to given value
# branch=stable
# unset defaults to given value
# arch=$(uname -m)
########### manjaro-tools buildpkg #############
# path to sets
# uncomment if you use a manjaro-tools.conf in your $HOME/.config
# profiledir=/etc/manjaro-tools/sets
# default chroot path
# chroots=/srv/manjarobuild
# pkg cache where to move built pkgs
# pkg_dir=/var/cache/manjaro-tools
# default set; name without .set extension
# profile=default
############ eudev specific ###############
# default packages to trigger blacklist
# blacklist_trigger=('eudev' 'lib32-eudev' 'upower-pm-utils' 'eudev-systemdcompat' 'lib32-eudev-systemdcompat')
# default blacklisted packages to remove from chroot
# blacklist=('libsystemd')
########### manjaro-tools buildiso #############
# default work dir
# if unset, it defaults to the iso config dir
# work_dir=/srv/manjaroiso
# default iso target dir
# if unset, it defaults to the iso config dir
# target_dir=/srv/manjaro-release-iso
# custom pacman.conf
# needed for custom repos, or use buildiso <args> -i /path/to/pacman.conf
# pacman_conf="/usr/share/manjaro-tools/pacman-default.conf"
# use custom cache, accessible with buildiso <args> -L
# cache_lng=/var/cache/manjaro-tools/lng
# use custom cache, accessible with buildiso <args> -P
# cache_pkgs=/var/cache/manjaro-tools/pkgs
################ iso settings ################
# unset defaults to given value
# iso_label="MJRO0811"
# unset defaults to given value
# iso_version=0.8.11
# unset defaults to given value
# manjaro_kernel="linux316"
# unset defaults to given value, specify a date here of have it automatically set
# manjaro_version="$(date +%Y.%m)"
# unset defaults to given value
# manjaroiso="manjaroiso"
# unset defaults to value sourced from /etc/lsb-release
# code_name="Bellatrix"
# unset defaults to given value
# img_name=manjaro
# unset defaults to given value
# install_dir=manjaro
# unset defaults to given value
# plymouth_theme=manjaro-elegant
# unset defaults to given value
# compression=xz
# unset defaults to given values
# names must match systemd service names
# start_systemd=('cronie' 'cupsd' 'tlp' 'tlp-sleep')
# unset defaults to given values,
# names must match openrc service names
# start_openrc=('cronie' 'cupsd' 'metalog')
########### livecd setup #############
# unset defaults to given value
# hostname="manjaro"
# unset defaults to given value
# username="manjaro"
# unset defaults to given value
# password="manjaro"
# unset defaults to given values
# addgroups="video,audio,power,disk,storage,optical,network,lp,scanner,wheel"
# unset defaults to given values
# names must match systemd service names
# services in start_systemd array don't need to be listed here
# start_systemd_live=('bluetooth' 'NetworkManager' 'ModemManager')
# unset defaults to given values,
# names must match openrc service names
# services in start_openrc array don't need to be listed here
# start_openrc_live=('bluetooth' 'networkmanager' 'connman')