# utility-charge-notifier Utility script to poll battery state and show a message outside configured thresholds. The script is configurable and uses an interval and lower/upper threshold for battery. The script utilizes libnotify to send a system message when outside the limits - thus ensuring you don't forget to plug or unplug your laptop charger. ## Script Create the local bin folder ``` mkdir ~/.local/bin ``` Copy the main script to your local bin folder and ensure it is executable ``` chmod +x ~/.local/bin/charge-notify.sh ``` ## Usage The battery levels are example levels. Modern batteries is usually best when kept above 10% and below 60%. Edit the battery levels according to your system and preference. ## Run script as a user service Create user service to to execute the script after startup Create the folder ~/.config/systemd/user ``` mkdir ~/.config/systemd/user ``` Copy the service definition `charge-notifier.service` the new folder ``` systemctl --user enable --now charge-notifier.service ```