# utility-format-usb.sh ## Description The scripts partitions and formats any USB device using **exFAT** filesystem. To avoid accidental format of non removable devices a couple of safeguards exist. The script will check if the supplied device is valid then it checks if the device is in fact a removable device. If any of these checks fail the script aborts. The script will ask for user confirmation twice and default to abort on Enter ## Use case Re-purpose the USB stick if you have flashed an ISO to it. Why? Because writing an ISO using `dd` writes an ISO9660 filesystem to a small part of the USB - the rest is inaccessible. ## Instructions Create the folder **~/.local/bin** and copy the file `format-usb.sh` into the folder, then make sure the file is executable. ``` mkdir -p ~/.local/bin chmod +x ~/.local/bin/format-usb.sh ``` ## Usage Remove your USB if attached and list devices lsblk Insert your USB device and list the devices lsblk The new device in the list is your USB device e.g. /dev/sdy - format the device using the script format-usb.sh /dev/sdy ## Note What this script does can probably be done in numerous ways with numerous tools. The **list contains** validation is taken from this [stackoverflow topic][1]